As I was afraid might happen, LiveJournal has become flooded with icons of House and Cameron making out. This is practically my worst nightmare come true. (What the fuck was that, anyway? "Watch as I seductively and tantalizingly molest your face with my fingertips!" Get a life, kid. God, that was so fucking dumb, like she'd never kissed a real boy before! I honestly think that kiss was shark-jump material. Must. Not. Harm. Something. Small. And. Fluffy...!)
Ahem. Anyway, on an icon-related note, I've been wondering: Should I make a fandom journal? It would actually be a community, but I'd be the only member, and it's where I would put all of my icons/fanfiction/etc. My journal (i.e. this one) would still remain as public as it is now. And I know I don't really make enough graphics or fanfiction or whatever to really warrant a fandom journal, but what the hey. So I leave this question up to YOU: