i. Overall I have to say I didn't like this episode quite as much as the pilot. Mostly it just suffered from heavy-handedness in a few parts. Like the whole birds thing was kind of faily comic relief and then some weird symbolic shit, idk. And they need to stop doing Big Dramatic String Section anytime anyone says something ominous. Though I might like it after the inevitable second viewing. I rewatched the pilot yesterday and realized that I had managed to miss about half of all the important plot points in the first viewing, so the same may be true here.
ii. JACK, OMFG. I love you, kid. I love his coping mechanism. "NOBODY LOVES ME AND I HATE MY LIFE, LET'S GO BUY MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF EXPENSIVE SHIT." Also I am going to have to make approximately 15,000 icons of him in that uniform. Hot. Damn. Yet there was some interesting depth here: he's obviously a person who hates embarrassment, yet he keeps getting thrust into these thoroughly embarrassing situations, as with the seating rejection and his card getting rejected. At this rate he's going to end up cutting a bitch one of these days.
iii. David is so full of fail it's kind of ridiculous. I liked him a little better in this episode only because his life sucked so utterly here. He did good with the whole Goliath thing, that was his Major Win, but ever since then his life has been a series of Epic Fails. D'awww.
iv. Michelle and her mysterious "vow" is the obvious WTF of the episode. Did they actually say what that was about and I missed it or do we just not know yet? Anyway it sounded pretty creepy.
v. The other obvious WTF was the guy in the cellar with the gold and the missing people. Who? What? Huh?
vi. DID ANY OTHER TORCHWOOD PEEPS LAUGH WHEN SILAS SAID "ABADDON"? I was like "OH GOD NOT AGAIN." (At least I'm pretty sure that's what he said. I could be wrong. A lot of the actors on this show mumble a lot and I end up missing a few lines.)
Ultimate verdict: MOAR JACK. Moar Jack and his shiny, shiny eyes.