Nov 16, 2005 13:44
Yet another not that amazing Christmas Show... They are all the same! SO we have been in rehersal for about a week now the show opens next thursday so i expect all you peeps coming down for christmas break to see me sing and dance at the BP!!! I play ragedy andy at one point... i have a few solo lines... dance alot... tumble a lil... its all cheese... cheese cheese cheese. i love almost everybody in the cast. Now that dosne't happen all the time. CATS rehersal starts soon... As you know I am playing Mistophollies the magic one. OH we had to make a christnas wishlist instead of a bio for this show... so i wished for
1. A Never Ending Gobstopper
2. Invisiblity Cloak
3. A Magic Wand
4. and a Flying Broom...
Harry Potter comes out the 18th! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Cant wait... Just watched one and two the past 2 days and today watching 3 some time... I have rehersal at 4 it runs till 6 then i am going to pick up my friend and hang for sometime. You all have a good day... I hope college is going well. And call me 2396778411 when you get in town! love ya'll