Whether you're situated in the circus tent, near the Ferris wheel, or next to the ghost who won't stop asking you what you're buying, you'll hear the sound of the speakers click on, and then the familiar voice of an overly pleased Ringmaster.
"Hello fellow circus inhabitants. Congratulations, today marks the end of your first week at Cirque de la Mort. As you may already know, we've been preparing a number of things over the past few days in order to make your stay here as comfortable as possible.
Please take a moment to view the bulletin board, located out front next to the big top. There are a number of updates that you may be interested in knowing...
Ah yes, and I am also pleased to announce that as a travelling troupe, we will begin performing amongst civilization next month. If you are interested in visiting your home, we will be posting a signup sheet shortly. Remember, we want places that are thriving with people. If you live under a rock in the middle of nowhere, don't sign up!
But as always, enjoy the rest of your day!"
The speakers cut off... and then come back on a moment later.
"--Oh right, I almost forgot. Your houses are ready now. Please help yourself to a map. Thanks to the detail we put in, you should have no trouble finding your respective homes."
ACT LIST MAP ((OOC: Hi guys, as you can see, we've added a bulletin board for everyone's convenience! \o/ It's ~magical~ so every time someone removes something from it, whatever's removed will just pop up on the board again. But yeah, it'll be updated regularly with important stuff and not so important stuff. So for now, check out your act and mingle about! The Ringmasters will also be around to answer any questions. Telepathically, of course. As for residence intros, we will be putting up a log post on the group community shortly! House intros are up! p.s. Ignore the map fail. The Ringmasters ain't no artists.))