Dave: Flip a shit and a half in the most cool, sophisticated manner possible.

Apr 18, 2011 04:30

 [So this has to be one of the most ridiculous turn of events Dave Strider has ever encountered. Had he not been right in the fucking middle of something, he probably would have appreciated the irony of it. He would have appreciated it completely and in full.

Unfortunately, the situation at the moment called for a more immediate, constructive reaction than appreciative head-nodding in the circus's general direction, which is what he partly felt like doing -- to commend them for their beautifully ironic and also bloody inconvenient timing and for being, well, a circus. A circus in this day and age was a sight that should be respected, Dave thought.

As long as they stay the fuck away from him, that is, which is also fueling his other knee-jerk reaction to the situation -- the Dave Strider equivalent of freaking the fuck out.

The Dave Strider equivalent of doing anything tended to be very cool, and very calm, and very collected, and his freaking the fuck out was something he was very proud of, since it involved a lot less 'freaking' than that of a normal, un-ironic individual, and mostly consisted of a lot of impatient pacing around the foot of the ferris wheel.

It also involved a lot of disappearing and reappearing as Dave jumped times, usually returning looking a little more weirded out than he was prior before five minutes later he's taken off again.

This is going to continue for a while. At least you know where to find him -- his bright red sleeves are pretty noticeable in the drab atmosphere, as might be the big-ass sword he's hefting over one shoulder.]
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