All Eyes To The Sky

Mar 21, 2010 17:41

Who: The Princess, Open.
When: Night
Where: At Entrance of Circus Tent

What a pity Helena hadn't made it to that safe little haven of hers. What a pity The Princess couldn't let Helena remember all the things she was making her do at night. A pleasing chill ran up her spine and she laughed, loud and long as the "people" made their way into the ( Read more... )

*night, helena campbell/the princess [ou], the joker [ou]

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entro_pist May 8 2010, 03:35:17 UTC
Upon finding himself standing on the grounds of the circus, the Joker noted instantly that one, he was outside rather than in Patrick's usual hiding place in the hotel room; two, in each of his hands there was a notepad and a pen; and three, he hadn't been here in a while. As Patrick's memories seeped into his mind, he realized that it had indeed been a while, two days at least, since he'd breathed in the night air. He stood for a moment just letting the memories fall into place. Somehow for those past 48 hours, the boy had found a way, a place, to seek safety from the night.

However, it seemed that tonight Patrick had chosen to step outside as the shadows fell. The proof of this bold venture into darkness lay in the Joker's palm. A pad of paper read: 'Notes to myself! Write down everything you do!'

"Aaawh," the Joker chortled to himself as he realized what this was. The kid was attempting to conduct an "experiment". He was trying to "brave the night" for the sake of learning what happened while someone else took over the reigns. It wasn't an unreasonable plan. Was the kid still having a little trouble with memory? Such a shame. Perhaps he just needed some assistance...

Eying the stationary, the Joker merely clicked his tongue against his top front teeth in amusement. Pen in hand he scribbled a reply for Patrick in ragged pen strokes: "Nope. Not big on journalism. Let me SHOW you instead." The word SHOW was dramatically scratchy, dark and underlined to stand out.

After returning from Patrick's motel room, he stepped out into the street once more. In his hands was a camera, its digital memory freshly erased. (It wasn't like Patrick really needed all those pictures of his family in Australia. Boo-hoo.) The Joker started by taking a few random shots of the showground with its tents and its rides lit up. They were shitty images due to motion but that was done on purpose, to tease and confuse. Oh, he was feeling artistic tonight. A few vague photos here and there and then... SURPRISE!!

The next shot on the camera's memory card was a ghastly close-up of stained teeth, scarred flesh blistering up from surrounding grease-slathered skin, and lots of red and black all compiled together to form a grotesque grin. This was the face Patrick would see in his nightmares. But it was only the beginning.

Rounding the base of a striped marquee, he made his way to the tent's arching entryway where he discovered a familiar creature entertaining the crowds. Her back was turned to him as he watched her spin black shadows through the air with the grace of a predator, deadly and skilled. The Joker raised his camera to capture her in the lens and snapped an image.


veryusefulbook May 8 2010, 07:19:03 UTC
If there was one thing The Princess had noticed was that there were no cameras here. Although the normal adventure to a circus would immediately entail a camera, these people didn't want to remember what happened to themselves at night let alone keep picture perfect momentos for themselves and their friends... And if there was a camera, it was the twisted ones who wanted to be there, who wanted to remember how far over the line they could go. But those were few and far between.

So it wasn't a surprise when The Princess turned towards the sound of a camera clicking and the flash of white light that cast her own shadow on the canvas tent in front of her. It was a surprise, however, to find The Joker being the bearer of said camera. It just didn't seem like his style.

She wanted to pose a question, wanted to start a conversation. It had been far too long since last they spoke and ever since she'd been here she hadn't had a chance to play with him, not really. The time, however, seemed inappropriate. Instead, she flashed a grin, as well as a few other parts of herself.

She gave him a three quarter turn, her back side and hips face him, her panties all lace and pale pretty skin beneath. Her chin was raised up her arms extended, still juggling. Even flashed him a wink. If he continued to take the pictures she would continue to pose and in ways that would make poor Helena scream.

If or when he did stop, The Princess did finally address him. "My dear, Joker." She walked up to him, almost as tall as he was now with these heels on. "It has been far too long. What have you been getting yourself into?" At the question she motioned to the camera in his hands. If it was something absolutely horrid she just had to take part.

At that very instant another thought struck her mind, one that made her inwardly grin. She recalled now that Helena had been hanging with an interesting group of people during the day... and The Princess had quite an imagination. She already knew that the one known as Patrick was merely The Joker without an eternal grin and a tendency towards feeling. What if those pictures ever made to Patrick? What if they made it to Helena? That would be just too much fun.


entro_pist May 12 2010, 01:07:27 UTC
The Joker continued to photograph the Princess in her many sultry poses while offering commentary like: "right there, hold it", "postcard to Helena", "Merry Christmas", and "Happy Mother's Day, Mom". Then, deciding to conserve some memory for later, he stopped and watched her approach. The orbs of black shadow did nothing to strike fear or concern in him though he had the distinct feeling they were extremely deadly.

"Oh, just getting in touch with my inner-self," he replied, dark eyes ablaze with a sinister gleam. "Speaking of which, I think my inner-self is fond of your inner-self. He's doing well in case you're wondering, just needs a little boost--" he raised the camera, "--in the memory department. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he's trying not to remember."

This made him frown dramatically though he couldn't be more delighted. The pure horror of reality was like quicksand and the more Patrick struggled with it, the deeper in trouble he would get. In the end he would be faced with everything, each little detail. The Joker would see to it.


veryusefulbook May 12 2010, 06:38:11 UTC
The Princess got a good kick out of her little photo shoot and was more than pleased with The Joker's company. Helena had been doing quite a bit to keep her from him even though she did not truly realize it. That little issue coupled with the Joker's pun and comment about Helena and Patrick thereafter brought a good many dreadful thoughts to her mind that made her grin, those ruby red lips parting to reveal perfect white teeth behind.

Without a word she buckled the orbs to a thin black leather belt around her waist and coming up beside The Joker slipped her arm through his. "Joker, we have a great deal to talk about..."

She urged him forward giving him little to no room to protest. Either they would walk a great distance or only manage to walk five feet away from the tent. The Princess would do her best to urge but she knew that if he did not want to be moved he would go no where. This in mind she began her little story.

"Joker, I have a secret and your little comment has brought it to mind. Firstly, I know your "inner self" quite well since Helena, though she doesn't quite understand why, has a bit of a thing for him as well. I can't deny the irony in that or the fact that I am well pleased with it. As for him trying not to remember, I'd be careful about that. If he's anywhere near as stubborn as you are, it might actually be possible." She grinned again and flashed her eyes up at him.

"Speaking of memories... My secret is this: Helena does not remember the night. I have been keeping her memories hidden, a forced amnesia. The first night I was here I knew it was something I would have to do after realizing we now share the same body. Besides, the more I keep her in ignorance the more I am able to do here. The little bitch has found some place to hide, some cave or something of the like. The shadows don't reach there if I recall her memories well enough... So you see, not only does she not remember what happens at night due to my forced entry into her mind, she also doesn't really know I'm here. She's beginning to feel me, hear me sometimes during the day, but she is still oblivious."

She let that sink in though she knew The Joker needed little time to understand what she was saying.

"Also-" she continued "I decided that since I could hide myself here without her knowing I would go in and do a little more repair on her memories. When she first came here she suffered a brief amnesia. During this time I took my opportunity and have hidden three years of her life away. She doesn't remember you, me, the past few years she's spent away from home in obscure places. She only remembers her meager life up until the last night she spent at home. Of course, she's not stupid. She's rather perplexed as to why her clothes are so ratty, her hair so long, scars she doesn't remember getting, etc, but she does not yet fathom what has happened to her."

The Princess stopped and turning more towards him looked him dead in the eyes. Her own two black eye-lined orbs reflected the light that tried to shine into her darkness and behind that: malicious intent.

"You," she points to the camera, "want Patrick to remember. I also would not mind tormenting Helena in some fashion but I have yet to decide how. With Helena knowledge is power. The more I let her know the more of a brat she is. I welcome it as an interesting challenge but I want to break her. I want her to believe she is going insane. I want her to relinquish her entire body and mind to me. Whether that is fully possible in this place I have yet to discover, but before I set out to do anything, I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me in throwing things completely off skelter for her? I have a few simple ideas in mind if you're willing to have some fun."

Her grin was a satisfied one, one The Joker would know full well. Even he could probably see all the wretched little schemes she was dreaming up. The fact that Helena and Patrick might have any kind of connection or attraction to one another was not only hilarious but useful. They could use that against them, for instance, what if Helena woke up one morning in Patrick's bed, what if Patrick woke up and found her tied and bound, bleeding and hurt somewhere... the possibilities were endless.


entro_pist May 30 2010, 02:37:49 UTC
Like best of friends they strolled, the Joker letting her steer him in whichever direction she pleased. He didn't care where they went so long as she kept tantalizing him with those eyes and tales of madness. As it was they were already in a corrupted world and so, for those like himself whose love was for warping the minds of the just and moral, there was little to be done. In a world full of predators, prey was scarce. Until the night ended...

At the mere mention of 'a few simple ideas', a plethora of thoughts presented themselves in the Joker's own mind like an endless reel of horror. There were so many things that could be done to terrify and humiliate both Helena and Patrick, bless their little hearts.

Some of what she'd said made sense. Some didn't. And at times his attention may have appeared to wander, mainly for the sake of teasing her in his own way. But as soon as she was finished, he came to a sudden halt and jerked her toward him.

"Oh Princess," he sighed, "I know you know. Fun is what I breathe for." His gaze settled on her lush, dark lips and for a moment, he wanted to rip them from her face with his teeth just to see what she'd do. Instead he cupped her cheek with a hand. His thumb invaded her mouth, leather sliding between her lower teeth and lip. He met her eyes with a lick of his lips.

"Having fun, helping one another, sharing. Things all good little boys and girls should know how to do." The Joker slowly drew his thumb from her mouth as he spoke; "You have ideas, Princess, and so do I. Care to share them? Ladies first."


veryusefulbook June 26 2010, 03:14:36 UTC
The Princess smiled as best she could with his finger pressed inside her lips, forcing their way between her teeth. She eyed him mischievously, the sound of his voice and the invasion of her mouth both tantalizing and long missed. She bit down ever so lightly wondering what it was he meant to do, whatever it was, albeit ripping her a bigger smile or just exploring.

When he withdrew his thumb his speech had almost done and plans of her own were already surfacing.

"Indeed I do, Joker. Many. All these thoughts are indeed up for your revision."

Her hand slid up the front of his coat and shirt, tugging lightly on his tie and then trailing its way to his chin. Her hand cupped his jaw and squeezing down brought him forcefully to within inches of her face.

"To break Helena I intend on breaking her innocence. I want her to have nightmares and wake up in a place where they are real. I want to destroy her mind and body. This will weaken her, bring her to my level, from her point of view. I want her to wake up in knots, naked, or wrapped in leather and lace. I want her body violated and I want Patrick to be the one she wakes up to in the morning, his hands wrapped around her back and waist in an embrace. I want her blood covered and make-up smeared, Joker. Most of these actions would only require a limited amount of stage and visual aids, requiring no actual physical involvement from ourselves... unless you're up for a little more than stage play. I want to several things based on that one event, different places, different positions, and little add ons here and there. And that's just the start, Joker."

Her tongue sought out his scars and quickly licked over one side to its end on his upper cheek, bringing her lips near his ear. We'll start small and grow from there... Please, do now share with me your thoughts, as I know mine can no where compare to your own. You having so much more... practice, than myself."

She drew her face back in front of his , little bits of his make-up now in splotches on her own cheeks and chin where she had come a little close. Her eyes penetrated his own gaze, those two black orbs ready to swallow up the world.


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