Can't a dame catch a break around here?

Feb 13, 2010 17:39

Time: Mid-day
Location: Downtown Hoboken

Minx was througoughly freaked out by the time she wandered downtown. Not only did she have to deal with being in a shithole of a town like HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY, but now she was turning into a freaking MONSTER at night. Oh, and not just any monster, a monster that seduces everyone and munches on parts of their ( Read more... )

roman sionis [ou], minx nagakami, *day, jonathan crane [ou]

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mykindoftwisted February 15 2010, 01:02:36 UTC
Hey, he wasn't using easy as an insult. He loves easy chicks- couldn't live without 'em.

"Really, now. Well, it could be worse. You could turn into Sasquatch or something. Grass is always greener, or something like that, right?"

Alright, so that saying didn't really pertain to this conversation. But that was alright- he had a feeling she wouldn't even pick up on that.


minxy_x February 16 2010, 00:07:39 UTC
"Right. Because the worst possible thing ever, even worse than sucking out lives during intercourse, would be being ugly. Real Deep, Mr. Sionis." She rolled her eyes and scoffed. Sometimes being hot was a total curse. Everyone thought she was totally shallow and vapid! Well, Minx would prove them all wrong! HA!

"So... do you have a way out of here? Or a place to stay? ... Or any cash on you? I usually keep a few hundreds in my G-string but I'm pretty sure I got mugged when I ended up here. Lucky bastards. If I had been awake, I would have kicked their asses."


mykindoftwisted February 23 2010, 01:22:53 UTC
"What can I say? Small pleasures."

Digging in his pocket for a few moments, he drew out a pack of cigarettes, taking one out and holding it between his teeth while he extended the pack to her. "I don't got a way outta here, but I got a place to stay. As for cash, only what I had on me when I got to this place. Not sure I can access my accounts in Gotham- haven't tried that, yet. Figured I got plenty'a time in this place."


minxy_x February 23 2010, 03:02:38 UTC
"No thanks, I don't smoke." She shooke her head and smiled apologetically.

It was pretty amusing how he could smoke with that mask on. What a weird guy. He exuded power, wealth, and danger most of all. Why be alone in this hell hole when she could pal around with Roman for a while?

"You think... I could stay with you until we figure a way out? You could watch my back at night and make sure I don't terrorize the townsfolk... and I'll make it worth your while during the day." She purred. Her smile was devilish now and hinted at a much deeper meaning.

"Like you said, we've got plenty of time."


mykindoftwisted February 23 2010, 03:08:32 UTC
"Suit yourself." The pack was returned to his pocket, the cigarette lit and the smoke inhaled.

"Well, when you put it that way, how can I refuse?" He glanced over at her, the crimson of his irises showing a glimmer of amusement. "But you really don't wanna, as you put it, 'terrorize the townsfolk'? Hm."


minxy_x February 23 2010, 04:42:51 UTC
"I don't like not having control of my body, and if I'm going to terrorize some townsfolk, I want to do it my own way."

Normally she'd make some remark about those crazy red contacts, but having golden/yellow eyes didn't leave much room for her to talk. At least hers could pass for brown somtimes. The red just made him look like a demented vampire.

"I could always just terrorize you instead. That's what new friends do, isn't it? terrorize each other?"


mykindoftwisted February 23 2010, 04:50:57 UTC
"Fair enough."

He offered his arm to her- Roman, surprisingly, had his moments of chivalry, even if they weren't exactly sincere and were pretty much devices for getting into some chick or other's pants- before starting to walk. "That's always been my experience. What's life without a little terror, eh?"


minxy_x February 24 2010, 00:44:48 UTC
What a gentleman! Minx was officially enamoured.

She took the offered arm and clung to it, inhaling his scent of expensive cologne and cigarette smoke. Now that is what a man should smell like.

"You can terrorize me all you want, Roman." She winked.

And they walked off into the sunset or some other such nonsense to Roman's love/torture den.


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