Can't a dame catch a break around here?

Feb 13, 2010 17:39

Time: Mid-day
Location: Downtown Hoboken

Minx was througoughly freaked out by the time she wandered downtown. Not only did she have to deal with being in a shithole of a town like HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY, but now she was turning into a freaking MONSTER at night. Oh, and not just any monster, a monster that seduces everyone and munches on parts of their ( Read more... )

roman sionis [ou], minx nagakami, *day, jonathan crane [ou]

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cranescarecrow February 14 2010, 00:19:36 UTC
When Crane first caught sight of Minx- and the way she was dressed- he thought she was Harley Quinn. There was a sudden, choking moment of panic as his steps faltered to a stop, his mind struggling desperately to think of some way to get away from her. He couldn't go back in the direction he'd come from- he could've sworn he'd seen Alice at some point back there, and with the Scarecrow buddying up to whatever was in control of her body at night, that was something he didn't want to deal with right now.

Then he noticed her hair- black. Not blonde. Black.

Not Harley.

It was amazing how quickly he was returned to his usual collected demeanor.


minxy_x February 14 2010, 00:32:55 UTC
Minx noticed his eyes before she noticed the rest of him. In her bad mood, she called out, "Take a picture, it'll last longer!"

Her hands were almost immediately at her hips and soon she was stomping, in heels, towards him. She was not out here for his amusement! Unless he was paying.

"Are you a local? Can you tell me where the fuck the airport is? Or a bus?"


cranescarecrow February 14 2010, 00:38:43 UTC
Maybe Harley had dyed her hair.

Except the childish, pouty mannerisms had a different air than Harley's, thank everything. However, as grateful as he was that this woman wasn't a clown, he didn't have time to stop and chat right now; he needed to figure out some way to stop the Scarecrow from being allowed out at a regular time that was entirely out of his control, and he doubted whoever she was would be of any help to him.

"No, I'm not, and no, I can't," was his only reply as he moved to brush rather rudely past her.


minxy_x February 14 2010, 00:53:09 UTC
"Excuse me? Jerk much?" No one brushes past an angry Minx and lives! Okay, well they live, but they tend to get hurt.

As Crane brushed past her, she pushed him hard to the ground and stood over top of him menacingly. At least, it would have been menacing if her dress wasn't so short.

"Listen, buddy, I want out of here and I'm not in the mood to be messed with! You don't just speak rudely to a sweet, innocent, asian girl in a crap part of town! That kind of behaviour gets your ass kicked."


cranescarecrow February 14 2010, 01:00:19 UTC
He... really did not need to see that. He immediately averted his eyes, scooching himself backwards in an entirely undignified manner. Normally, he would have gotten up, but he had the feeling that if he bothered she'd just shove him back down again. Begrudgingly, he propped himself up on his elbows, his eyes settling on her face, expression set in a glower.

"You're daring to call me rude? Well, then, I apologize for mistaking you for one of the drug-addled clown whores out of her make-up. I won't dare do it again."


minxy_x February 14 2010, 01:06:48 UTC
Whore? Did he just call her a whore? That's it.

Grabbing him by the throat, she pulled him up and pressed him against a nearby brick wall. "Strippers are not whores! What is your freaking problem, jackass?"

At this point, she didn't even care about concealing her freakish strength. She only wanted to teach this douchebag a lesson. And while he was trapped under her crazy-strong hold, she might as well ask him a few questions.

"You said you weren't from around here. Where did you come from, how did you get here, and did you, by any chance, turn into a monster at nightfall?"

He had obviously seen the circus. How else would he know about the clown whores?


cranescarecrow February 14 2010, 01:21:23 UTC
Well, that was certainly unexpected, and rather unpleasant. Between the rough pavement and the uneven texture of the brick wall, he wouldn't be surprised to find his suit in tatters by the end of this.

It was also entirely frustrating to be forced to wrap his hands around her arm and struggle upwards to breathe. None of this was doing anything for his mood or manner.

"I'm from Gotham and I don't know how I got here. At night, yes, a monster has emerged, but not an unfamiliar one. I take it your circumstances are similar?"


minxy_x February 14 2010, 01:26:23 UTC
"...Yeah. Similar. Mine's not all that unfamiliar either." She looked away, her expression now solemn, and eased up on her grip before letting him go altogether.

"Listen, I'm sorry for ... well, kind of beating you up, but I'm not exactly thrilled to be in this place. It's a nightmare. I'm Minx, by the way." She smiled apologetically and held out a dainty hand to shake.


cranescarecrow February 14 2010, 01:31:28 UTC
"It's fine. I've dealt with worse. Jonathan Crane." He took her hand in his own, his skin cold against hers, and shook it- not because he wanted to, but to prevent another hissy-fit from taking place.


minxy_x February 14 2010, 01:57:23 UTC
"Ooh. Big hands." She smiled wider, trying to joke with him. It probably wasn't working too well.

"When I find a working ATM around here, I'll pay to get your suit dry cleaned. I'm really sorry. Usually I'm totally well-behaved. Unless the bouncer is drunk and I have to deal with gropers at work. Or in a street fight. You don't fight, do you? You seem to... fragile for fighting."


cranescarecrow February 14 2010, 02:14:19 UTC
Of course it wasn't working well. Crane, smile at a joke? Never.

"Listen... Minx. As much as I'd love to stay and talk," (His tone suggested otherwise) "I really can't right now. If you'll excuse me."

He brushed himself off once more, glad that it had been him and not the Scarecrow who'd met her. Although the Scarecrow had his time out all night, every night now, he was still with Crane during the day, still lurking, still there to take control when he needed him and when he didn't.


minxy_x February 14 2010, 02:21:33 UTC
"Wait! You're really going to leave an innocent girl alone downtown? Dressed like this?" She gestured to her skimpy outfit, "It's dangerous around here. What if the monsters get me? Come on, Mr. Crane, help a girl out."

A seductive pout and eyelash batting was not going to work on Crane, but she had no way of knowing that. Pressing her boobs together and sticking her chest out couldn't hurt her chances either.

"At least walk me to a hotel or something?"


cranescarecrow February 14 2010, 02:30:10 UTC
"Based solely on how you're dressed, one would think you might hesitate to use the word 'innocent' with such frequency. And judging from your performance back there, I think you can sufficiently defend yourself from any common thug who might happen to take a shining to you."

He locked eyes with her once, before turning and resuming his recently-interrupted walking path.


minxy_x February 14 2010, 02:36:49 UTC
Ugh, he had a point but he was cute and respectable-looking and she was alone! Being alone was almost worse than being in the dark.

"Wait up! I have short legs!" She called as she chased after him. "I think it's better if we stick together. Judging from your performance back there, you could use some muscle. Don't worry, I'll keep you safe."

She smiled sweetly up at him and twirled her hair around her index finger.


cranescarecrow February 14 2010, 02:41:21 UTC
Was she really going to follow him? Why couldn't any of them ever take a heavy-handed hint? It was really beginning to be astounding.

"I'm quite capable of taking care of myself. I've already told you I don't know how to leave this place, so perhaps you should go seek out someone who does."

Please. Go. Away.


minxy_x February 14 2010, 02:57:45 UTC
She stopped in her tracks, "... Fine. Good luck getting back to Gotham." She sad with a sad smile as she turned and walked in the opposite direction.

What. A. Jerk.

So not impressed. Why were the cute ones always assholes? And why were the uninterested jerks always the hottest ones? Minx chided herself even talking to him in the first place. Now where the hell could she find a place to let her stay for free? Hmm....


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