***SCA People, I need info***

May 02, 2007 17:01

Damn, I'm chatty today.

I know a lot of people on my friends list are in the SCA. Have there been any issues with movement-impaired people participating, specifically in combat? A person I am aware of (not a friend, or even an acquaintance), who is confined to a power-chair, is attempting to take part in a foam-padded weapon group and the issues are thick on both sides. Some people are citing personal safety (theirs and his), while others are citing anti-discrimination laws.

The power-chair user fully intends to participate in full-contact combat (people wear armor and whack at each other with padded PVC piping in open fields - campouts are on rougher terrain.)

If there have been any incidents/resolutions/etc. that anyone knows about, I'd really appreciate some info and feedback.
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