Jan 04, 2008 08:08
So I passed the FE exam. Yay! I found out yesterday, after having taken the test in October. I didn't think I was going to, but apparently I am smarter than I gave myself credit for. Although, honestly, I think I did terribly on the Morning General Exam and Amazing on the Afternoon Electrical Exam, and they evened out to Just Barely Passing. What can I say, I know my shit.
In any case, my work emails now end with
Jonas Blake, E.I.T.
It's pretty sweet.
Oh, and I joined a gym, so I am going to go get all buff and whatnot. ^_^
Oh, and I put a bunch of pictures from my Nevada Trip up on facebook. Go! Look! Comment! Enjoy!
Because we all know you like looking at me, right?