Apr 12, 2005 11:02
im sittin here in class thinking bout how my entire world and all this school shit can come crashing down all because of a single female... never in my life would i have thought that a female could have such an impact on my life like this. im talking about impact in a negative and a positive. the positive is that things could be so great and spectacular but we just need to take the time. but do i have time to be waiting... first of all i have no fucking patience which makes this especially hard, but this is a different type of patience that i am willing to work wit and so far it has been, but as of just recently im starting to think that i dont want to have to deal wit shit cuz it fucking sucks.
my education has been stalled i have no motivation, nothing at all. i get by through doin just simple shit and i mean it aint all that bad but its not good either. all i could ever think about was this female but it just dont go no where, dont get me wrong i fucked up reallll!!! fuckin bad and all there is to do is sit back and wait. this semester is almost over and i feel like i still aint even start shit. my mind, heart, and body is somewhere else from where it should be.
but now is the time for me to let go for real just a little though and increasingly more everyday because no one is happy anymore. in order to restore happiness i gotta do this. i have to just be me and go on wit my life nad let her be too, she'll come back if it was ever meant to be, but for now i got more important shit to worry about, i cant let shit be gettin to me like this because it aint how i grew up, its just fuckin up all that was and continuing on with how things are going will only fuck up things that could be. so it needs to stop and come to an end so that things can be how they are suppose to. eric say goodbye to all that was and could be cuz it wont happen anymore, do u and just get by like you have ur entire life... all there is in ur world is YOU there is no family, there are no true friends, there are no teachers that can teach u what u need, and there is no single female that could make u happy. so continue on wit how u were, gotta find a way to live.
start teachin urself shit all over again, cuz in this so called life all u got is u, and no one else matters. im a survivor, anything that comes my way i find a way to get by and thats just me, anything else is considered a distraction. ha, theres no satisfaction in a distraction, get rid of it. keep on keeping, stay up, be safe as always, ur 1 and only love... yourself