[au] info

Oct 17, 2010 03:42

name; Allen Walker
age; 19
gender; male
race; half "native", half "alien" unsure


Accommmodator for the Black Order; Guns Expert

Allen carries several hidden guns on him at all times, including his biomechanical arm, which can be shifted into a sniper rifle, using his biomechanical eye as the scope.

the fourteenth's Innocence;
He has a shard of Innocence lodged into the 'star' part of the scar on his forehead. However, it happens to be a shard altered by Neah Walker, and so, while it saved him from dying, it does not heal anywhere as well as teasingblades's does. It barely heals him at all, really. However, this also means he has trouble 'sensing' the other shards of Innocence, and, strangely enough, can sort of sense the shards of twisted Dark Matter instead. He can sense normal Innocence, but it gives him a headache, just like how Kanda can sense Allen's modified!Innocence, but it gives her a headache too. Although, normal/canon Innocence doesn't always ping him the same way.

Raised by the desert, Allen joined the circus and met Mana, who adopted him. One day, there was a protest against the Noah Family outside the place they were staying and Allen traveled out into the crowds against Mana's warnings.

The protest soon turned to riot when the Kamolets set off bombs within the crowd. Mana went out into the fray to get Allen and drag him back inside, but both were struck by one of the bombs that went off. Mana managed to drag Allen inside, but they were both mortally wounded by the blast and were dying. To save Allen, Mana placed the shard of Innocence his brother had left him into Allen's forehead and carved into the boy the activation symbol for the modified shard. Doing this saved Allen, but left Mana to die without way to save him.

Cross found Allen after hearing of Mana's death and coming to collect the pieces of Neah's experiments. He wanted to study the effects the modified Innocence would have on the boy, so Cross began to train him to fight. Cross was a scientist engineer for the Black Order, and listed Allen as a training soldier, mainly to be able to write off the boy's expenses, but Allen took to the idea like a fish in water. What better to do with his life than to fight against the people who killed his adopted father?

Allen was trained in practically every gun available--and many Cross made for him to test his control. Cross also made him the mechanical eye and arm and connected them to the shard of Innocence so they would behave as a natural arm and eye, rather than purely machine. Cross basically used Allen as a walking text subject for the next several years--as well as someone to pawn bills off on.

Once he was deemed old enough (and traumatized enough) Cross sent him to the Order to be a proper Accommodator. There he met his new teammates, teasingblades, explosiverabbit, and later on twospiritedly, as well as the other members of the Black Order.

Allen plays the part of the sniper of the group, usually helping to signal Lavi when to set off his bombs from his perches up high.

!ooc, !au - info

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