Benny Stango, now offering consultations

Mar 30, 2010 10:24

[Benny Stango is seated at a desk, looking rather subdued, with a broken nose and all the bruising that goes along with.]

Well, I've been tryin' to learn to keep my voice down, but I guess it hasn't been goin' so well. It's pretty hard to keep calm with all that rioting. So I figured maybe a day or two behind a desk pushin' papers would help.

That's right, I'm doing consultations! Need someone followed? Want to know the contents of your significant other's garbage? Need somethin'--or someone--found? Come see Detective Benny Stango, P.I.

And if you're a nervous broad, you can always call me on the phone:

Just pick up the other end, way out in the hallway, and I will pick up my end and yell talk back to you.

I'm lookin' forward to harrassing yelling at helping out Meltzer some dames.


me family is... not dead?, supple new york bunty, catch sits not stis, mark "basketface" meltzer, "spits blood" mcgee, maaaaaaaaaarsh, wait he was serious?, dr. brigid "das wunderkind" tenenbaum, moira darlin', looking for atla(nti)s, benny "going through your trash" stango, what fuck is this!, occasional chin coco, he doesn't even go here!, font color="suspicious", no tenenbaum tag required either, sincere concern and all that jazz, benny "the grouch" stango, mark "should've said no" meltzer, me family is deeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaad, dude get a desk job, ohshi-, "molly" mcgee, mrs. moira "jabberwock" atlas, you hack

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