Dec 31, 2010 12:26

[Well, it's New Years again- nevermind what year it is. Nobody cares about that. Or knows.

But here in Fapture, it's tradition to dress up nicely, put on your fancy masks, and party at the Kashmir.

Sure, maybe you have that creeping feeling that something, somehow, is going to go terribly wrong, but when you walk in and hear the jazzy music, see the balloons and streamers and even a commissioned neon sign just for the occasion, all those worries get pushed to the back of your head. It's time to have fun an put all your cares away.]

We never did change that sign...

((So essentially this will be just like Rapture Prom: just come in and party. Everything in here takes place inside or just outside the doorway of the Kashmir Restaurant. You are free to make your own posts if you want to throw your own party or want to... who knows, plan a riot? Just have fun~))

did you do something with your hair?, hug me baby, ¡ay yi yi enfermedades venéreas!, you don't deserve tags, threat level: delicious, what is happen, a streetcar named disaster, what the dicksicle!, up to no good here, u mad?, how do i roleplay, special event, holy fuck, nobody panic, screw sparta this is rapture, the power of one, show's over go home, i just wanted to add a tag, love me daddy, if that's not romance..., hold on to your balls, insert tags here, not gay just thirsty, something went terribly wrong, i mean it asshole, true love crosses all boundaries!, don't drop the soap, creme-filled crack, stay tuned for lulz, flirt with robots, i am andrew ryan and you are not, everyone is fontaine, did i forget about my meds again?, somebody gonna get pregnant, needs more birds, whitetext = jizztext, add tags as you see fit, the narrator, in soviet rapture..., dat death machine, eggs having sex!, haters gonna hate, children hide your eyes, who is this joker, pretend to be straight, dat bunty, love me baby, unsense, up in the prom like who who dat, hittin' dat bunty from da back, you know you want to cuddle, the vagina monologues, the "pipes" are leaking, this is not an elaborate ruse, adult programming, womb busters., seymour butts, party timez, 500 fucking comments, obnoxious rich people laughter, shake dat culo, seriously? only one bed?, 400 fucking comments, fort faggotry, i can tell from a few pixels, i'm just as think as you sane i am, neptunnnneeee's buntyyyyy!, nothing to see here, that's called a mangina, it's all ryan's fault, insert 25¢ for orgy, surveillance == porno, porntacles, let me tell you the story of my people, come here and let me hug you, the creme-filled one, jesus christ it's candy get in the van, science!, liquor in the front poker in the rear, reed "dick en machina" wahl, mysterious ingredients, sexy apron, suspension of disbelief, font color="eyerape", crunked up, momma ima woman!, fluff all the way, what fuck is this!, @n@, who the hell raped this post, a streetcar named crack, let's gossip, this post requires no further tags, when in doubt..... fap, oh very funny, font color="throbbing", bunty=ass, riot in the breadline, idefk anymore, pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, never trust an andrew ryan, look a moth!, uh-oh, would you kindly not think those things, don't eat the funyuns!, purpurescent enchanting apparatus, don't make me punch your rabbit hole, no more roosters und vodka, maaaaaaaaaarsh, too much stomach acid, ur doin it rite, i think your pipes may be leaking, needs moar leaks, sexually frustrated closet homosexual, screw you mother, richardson, quack, indecision is the key to flexibility, drama queen, this looks photoshopped, hilarious drunken disorderly conduct, kashmir din-dins yo, i ken spel, primed with battle-juice, fashion police 911, these tags made me laugh out loud, just waiting to snuggle, where's my sex ed at, font size="barely a mouthful", deal with it, shotalicious, no pun intended, stay classy, theres boob in my shirt, kyle "dynamite asshole" fitzpatrick, i like big bunties and i cannot lie, you fucking parasites, hittin' dat bunty from da side, whores, it's not rape if you yell surprise, julie "no homo" langford, becky "too old for this shit" langford, a talking penis, kapow!, will there be cake, phoning the pepperoni, dancing contest time bitches, ohgodwhy, panties shark, an aging bunch of fratboys, brigid "shotgunnin'" tenenbaum, an longtime ago, font color="fire missiles", free samples of sexy, is this real life?, could be a trap, things just got real, don't play with the pipes!, y u do dis, who are you?, that's what i say when i screw suchong, god can c wat u did thar, have at it sirrahs and maidens, baby jane splicer, whathappensinwhitetextstaysinwhitetext, well i came, more tags than posts, pay attention you whores, rapture prom, everybody is who they say they are, kiss my bunty, your mom's a whore, not pretty just gay, 100% jack-gay, insert golf club for orgy, rumbleroar, why i love rpers, they start them when they're small, my gay senses are tingling, shit just got real, i swear to drunk i'm not god, tentindun...plaes..., durgs are vile and dangerous kids, holla atcha booooiii, why don't you go back to fingerpainting, omg i am blinded by rainbows, c'mere little ladies, free insanity for the people, love me baby~, soap opera in full swing, this is different from prison how?, let's make wild whoopie!, throbbing muscles, can i touch myself yet?, pretty princess dress-up time, music music everywhere, where am i?, the most epic thing, eleanor is watching you masturbate, too much sense, dem dancing shoes, crack, these are bewbs, for great justice, pool party oh yeaaaah, not a fake moustache, jesus mary joseph and the wee donkey!, font face="showing off", say no to durgs, nothing could possibly go wrong, it's my party and i'll spit if i want to, and suddenly-, rainbow pubes, all is ryan's cock, what is this even, stop saying bunty, why so many tags?, goddamn sploicers, what is this shoite?, who's your abusive stepfather?, wait he was serious?, everyone hates fontaine, why would you ask that, is there any porn in here?, not gay just angry, boy-parts, i gots a camera, happy shiny dysfunctional family~*~, learn to fucking write, font color="suspicious", mouthpunching, how many tags does one man need, what the fuck, special event?, don't piss in the pool, why *is* it so gay in here?, tl fucking dr, every tag known to mankind, washing the ham cave, or maybe it is, the father is you, daniel "whorechitect" wales, security butts, better than sex, emotions running high!, what the fuck is even happen, phil "saving myself for aliens" isidore, what the hell is in the milkshake?, now that's pretty gay, don't go to sleep, what is this i don't even. where am i?, is jizz a carb?, alcohol's a food group, test-tube baby, @u@, sup bitches, insert hysterical laughter here, kid in a candy shop, which one's the bride, where did all these comments come from?, charles "morgan freeman" porter, everyone drunk in minutes, 300 fucking comments, totally not dangerous, in no way is this creepy, lrn2communicate, oh god why, i don't get paid enough for this shit, roger "weeabread" kirkpatrick, streaking aaaaaall over, ye olde english, rape: rapture's national sport, fondle-fucking-tastic, i just pooped a lot on your dog, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, what's cookin' good lookin'?, today on splicers in love, the ladies are gay too, smoke weed everydaaaaaay!, so ronery, not gay just lonely, make it stop!, jack "slutterson" wynand, let's do the (au) time warp again!, font size="adorable", oh shit is this happening, adam in the punch, just means you get twice the fun, how do i shot doors, moist uke bunty, tgs...plaes..., subject delta force, mommy i'm scared, it tastes like christmas, i am so sorry, nice timing bro, louie "don't bend over for soap" mcgraff, can you say bondage?, that's enough tags bro, oxyclean, breadwinner splicer, obviously you've never been to yale, stop saying penis, it was me!, please sir can i have some more?, dat chinese takeout, adorkable tumor bunty, trololo, it's a trap!, say crack again, doing the nasty, worship me, i am so scared, get yer bunty over here, what is this, jack "pubes-'stache" ryan, and another mind bites the dust, what is this i don't even, the "pipes" the "pipes" are calling, idek, no pillows, whats this, omg wtf but hush!1!1!!11, how do i in character, a city of virgins and gays, ohshi-, thar be testes in them thar milkshakes, the rapture tribune, this is an orgy, what do you mean i'm a delinquent, caution: not as innocent as it appears, mmffhhnnmmhhfff fffhmmmhhhfm!, clothing: optional, where the fuck did you come from?, the surface is scary, not gay just really horny, mi bunty es su bunty, not gay just pretty, eleanor "jailbait" lamb, faggosaurus rex, oldsplice, what's the worst that could happen?, there's no cameras in here i swear, swearing swearing everywhere, life's grand, tagging ambush, so confuse, the gold is still there, fontaine sux coxxx, disturbing or sexy: you decide, poetry for the soul, throw-down is imminent, big beautiful men, not lonely just gay, iseeyoubitchesizenjoyinmysparklinwine, this will end well, the fluffiest thing since like ever, tagddiction, tiger tights, witches, whoa nice, fucking sploicers, font size="ust", trouble is my middle name, boobies everywhere, your other virginity, quite obviously indeed a trap, today in science class..., probably drunk and/or high, needs moar tags!, not gay just hungry, it's a rave dave, your one tag must be very lonely, trust me i'm a doctor, not gay just a father, tits or gtfo, deformity is an aphrodisiac, what is this faggot tree?, bawoo?, surprise! i'm not high, fontaine is a homo, i'm sure you have a vagina, drunk shark attack, new years eve, the manchild, the nude entry, let's talk about our feelings, i see ur peanut, it's not whitetext it's god, how dare you, no seriously, occasional chin coco, i rule at fuckin my job is suckin, leave your clothes at the door, where the hell am i?, then who was atlas?, toasty splicer, this is a good idea, can you feel the gay tonight?, there's gotta be one hetero, damn gurl u been usin fabulash?, they see me taggin' - they hatin', no cameras allowed, i think it's a stripper, i'm a shaaaaaaaaaaaark!, why are half the tags about tags, jacob "40 foot dick" norris

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