It's been a quiet summer in Mays Landing, my hometown, out on the edge of the PIne

Oct 06, 2012 22:49

I enjoy my Saturday nights listening to PBS. :)

It was NOT a quiet summer here in South Jersey.

First in June, we had the Derecho storm that knocked 15 trees down at my mother's house. It took a month to clear the roof and the yard. we had a tree guy come in and take down four trees that were leaning over the house but hadn't fallen.

My blind stepfather had a dramatic increase in his dementia and Congestive Heart failure in August. He would be up all night rambling around the house. My mother was losing her mind since she would not get any sleep.

He was complaining of shortness of breath before Labor day weekend so he ended up in the hospital. It was a horrific 8 days during his hospital stay. Even though he was receiving some powerful drugs he would be up all night. He would scream and shout. He would get violent threatening to hurt my mother, grabbing her arms and hands when she would try to get him settled in the bed.

They tried to treat him for 6 days but then we made the move him into a hospice program when everything in his body starting shutting down. The family all came to see him before he passed and he had a beautiful service which combined what his siblings wanted, my mother wanted and he wanted. His ashes will be buried this week in his family's plot down the street from my mother's house.

In the middle of this I started college again. School is fun and things are going well so far. I am enjoying the sign language class the most. The cost of the books was 25% of the cost of tuition. Insanity.

In lighter news I was reviewing my grandmother's bills last week. I called her credit card company since she had a $50 a month charge for "credit protection" The representative tells me it pays her monthly bill for 18 months is she loses her job or moves. I tell him she is 96 and hasn't work in 20 years. He says,"oh". I ask if she gets any benefit before we cancel it. he says no it only covers the last 300 days. Oh, how they love to rip off Seniors!

Well, let me get this homework done before bed.


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