Dec 31, 2005 01:00
As we all know, pickup lines are ALL terrible. But these were so bad I had to share.
Miss, if you've lost your virginity, can I have the box it came in?
I like your butt. Can I wear it as a hat?
Hey baby, let's play house. You be the door and I'll slam you.
If you had some nuts on the wall, would they be walnuts?(yes). If you had some nuts on your chest, would they be chestnuts?(yes) If you had some nuts on your chin, would they be chinnuts?(yes) Hell, no. You'd have a dick in your mouth.
Be unique and different. Say yes!
Gee that's a nice set of legs. What time do they open?
I'm not trying anything. I always put my hands here.
They are stupid and male oriented, yes....but I imagined someone saying these lines and I couldn't help but laugh to myself. I actually called a friend about the nuts one.