Joker - Kuroshitsuji (manga)
Despicable Mi (aim)
The Joy of (email)
character name: Joker (Literally no real name.)
Fandom: Kuroshitsuji (manga)
Timeline: The Noah's Ark Circus Arc
character's age: 25
powers, skills, pets and equipment:
Joker has all the talents that come with being a circus performer -- juggling, tight-rope walking, magic acts, trapeze, knife throwing, etc. He also has all the skills for being a kidnapper and murderer. I'm not sure how much these need to be elaborated on, but I'm thinking he's pretty stealthy, quick, and can hold his own in a fight. He has a prosthetic right arm, skeletal looking in appearance, in which he often hides a knife.
canon history:
Every time that Noah's Ark rolls into a town, children disappear. At first there seemed to be nothing unusual about the traveling circus, no evidence that would connect them to the missing children. After Sebastian received a love nip from the tiger in the center ring, it was Joker who chased him down to apologize and invite him to be looked over by the circus doctor. Though he seemed to be the ringleader, Joker referred to himself as a hired shop manager. He also revealed the reason behind the circus and what made it so special. Noah's Ark was a gathering of those who were misfits, most of them missing limbs and fitted with the Doc's special prosthetics. Joker had lost his own right arm which had been placed by one that looked skeletal. The doctor carved the artificial limbs himself from a type of ceramic material that made them light and durable.
That was the story, anyway.
When Sebastian was attacked by two of the circus members, Joker entervened with a magic trick. After seeing Sebastian's reflexes during the fight, he scouted the butler for his circus. Using it as their chance to investigate deeper, Sebastian and Ciel showed up for the entrance test. It was Joker who gave them their stage names - Black and Smile. One was more appropriate than the other.
The first tier members, those who'd been friends from childhood, were the only ones to have a private and protected tent. Even more suspicious was the fact that William, a shinigami, was also trying out for the circus. When Ciel investigated the tent, he found a picture of Joker and the other performers, though much younger, grouped around a smiling old man who wore a ring with the same hallmark that was on the performers' prosthetics. He also found a letter from "Tom, the Piper's Son" that contained his name and information.
After Joker and some of the other performers found out about it, he made the decision to consult "Father" before doing anything. Beast intercepted him and tried to convince him that they should all quit doing "these things" and escape. Joker, not nearly as jovial as he normally was, responded that it was impossible. They had decided to protect their most precious thing. And for that, he would do anything. There was no turning back, no matter how painful it was.
Since "Father", their patron, the man who gave them their limbs and owned them, left the circus to him, Joker started putting distance between himself and the others. By the time he arrived at Father's (aka Baron Kelvin), he was like a completely different person. He humbly reported the events to a bandaged man surrounded by children. Fearing that it would endanger the other members of Noah's Ark, he tried to protest the old man's orders -- but was quickly reminded of how he'd been taken in by him after he was abandoned at birth, broken and starving. A good child doesn't talk back. But more importantly, there were siblings still at a workhouse that must be taken into consideration. So the good little joker listened to Father once again.
By the time Ciel and Sebastian arrived at the manor, the look in Joker's eyes told them that he was no longer their friend. Instead of a spirited circus performer, he was nothing more than a butler who introduced them into a mansion full of broken marionettes. He lead the entertainment that accompanied the feast that Baron Kevlvin had prepared for Ciel's arrival -- circus acts performed by the missing (and now brainwashed) children, each ending with their death. And though he grimaced, Joker introduced one act after another. When Ciel made a move, Joker tried to protect the old man, but was quickly halted by Sebastian. He broke free after the Baron revealed a room that he had prepared in Ciel's honor, one filled with replicas of the horrors that made a boy summon a demon, right down to sacrificed children.
Not wishing his master to be disturbed, Sebastian cut off his other arm.
In spite of everything, Joker still begged for the old man's life, because he had saved him and the other members of Noah's Ark after everyone else had abandoned them. There were still other children at the workhouse who needed him in order to live. It was Joker who had kidnapped the children, obeying the twisted man and sacrificing others so that his own could live on. Knowing that his own future was stolen, he informed Ciel and Sebastian that the other Circus members were attacking his household and revealed the secret of how they'd never been caught -- because every witness had been killed. But after being assured that the servants of Earl Phantomhive could hold their own, Joker silently prayed for them to survive the attack instead.
There did seem to be one little secret that even Joker wasn't aware of. The artificial limbs that he and the others were weren't so "artificial". The Doctor carved them from the very bones of some of the kidnapped children. Despite his name, the only one he'd ever known, "Joker" died in tears and blood and fire. Perhaps worst of all, there were no children in the workhouse to save. The joke was on him.
The smile on his lips and black tear drop under his eye are a pretty good way of describing Joker's personality as well as his appearance.
He can be playful, even charming, calming the lion tamer Beast with a bouquet of flowers. Making friends in general has always been easy for him. Despite the horrible things that he's done, Joker does have compassion for those who've suffered in their lives. And like most circus performers, he feels a comradarie with those who are different and are flawed by what they've been through. He often encourages others to smile. But despite the fool that he plays during his acts, he's also very serious about his job. He is a leader at the circus, a glue that holds them together, and the one who seems to be under the greatest burden where Kelvin is concerned.
Joker is both kind and cruel, treating Beast kindly even when he couldn't return the feelings that she had for him. But the cruel streak in him is revealed when in Baron Kelvin's presence. He is absolutely loyal to an evil man, following his orders no matter how horrible they are. Part of the reason is because Baron saved them from fear and starvation, but also because he believes there are still children at the workhouse for the Baron to save. He knew his actions were wrong, but a moment of remorse turned to laughter when he told Ciel that not even his servants would be spared by the other first tier circus members.
Though he's keeps a tight leash on his true emotions and capable of doing evil things, Joker can feel sorrow and remorse. The deaths of the children during dinner visibly upset him, but he simply grit his teeth and introduced the next act, for the sake of his "brothers and sisters". Even when he knew his life was over, he still hoped that Beast, Dagger, and the others would live. He is equal parts clown and killer, protector and villain.