remeber that most of it is just jealous, it is a very evil thing and hard to control. Your very much right for being angry about it, but u have to realize that people just wish they could be as happy as u are. I have found that to many people downriver are overly depressed (1 reason y i want to get the fuck out of this area, because depression is a cancer, just seeing someone depressed can depress u as well), but in all honest life isn't that bad, people just don't try harded enough to make theirs better out of laziness. I find there is always a better way, or something worth finding that will turn everything around, or bascily change ur outlook on life, that counts when it comes to relationships or just things u do for fun, in other words if u think ur life is boring or u just not happy fucking do something about it. I all honesty though mazie, we would all like it if u had alittle more respect in puplic, it is a little roud and disrespectful, but i don't think u guys do anything that ppl should be this outraged about, who should care if u have her arm around her and all that bullshit, as long as ur guys aren't having a tongue battle it shouldn't really be a big deal.
I all honesty though mazie, we would all like it if u had alittle more respect in puplic, it is a little roud and disrespectful, but i don't think u guys do anything that ppl should be this outraged about, who should care if u have her arm around her and all that bullshit, as long as ur guys aren't having a tongue battle it shouldn't really be a big deal.
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