DS9 Rewatch: 2.1 - 2.3

Mar 19, 2012 20:33

Spoiler warning: assumes knowledge of all seasons.

So I finally dug my DS9 disks out and watched some DS9. Now I've finally pasted my notes into LJ and formatted them.

2.1 - The Homecoming

Plot: the Bajorian government is crumbling and Kira risks war with the Cardassians to find someone she feels will help.

Odo's weirded out by Quark helping out.
"Because you're always up to something."
"Someday you'll learn to trust me."
You know, I think when it comes to the big things he does learn to trust him.

Did I ever write a post about Ferengi "lobe tingling" and how it connects to both sexual pleasure and business sense?

OK, did Quark really think that he was going to get money out of Kira for the earring?

LOLOLOL at the conversation about dating with Sisko and Jake.
"Clearly you're not ready to have this conversation."

I find it interesting how the holosuite was just for porn at the beginning on the series. It's introduced and used in TNG very differently, but the implication is that Quark solely has porn.

"I wouldn't be overly concerned." Apparently no one told Odo that this would be a three-parter.

Dax already seems lighter. And continues to be awesome. As does O'Brien.

I find it interesting that O'Brien is a better pilot than Kira. I can't remember very many times they mentioned O'Brien's piloting skills. Nice nod to TNG when he originally was at the conn.

A Dukat. Best at CYA at since 2369.

You know, I should keep a running tally of number of times that Quark gets jumped and attacked.

I love Bashier is BAMF!Doctor mode. "Of course it won't scar unless you don't hold still."

"Bajor doesn't need a man. They need a symbol. And that's what you are." Sisko says this to Li Nalis. I think that probably one of the main reasons we get the 'reluctant hero for Bajor' plot because it's a mirror for Sisko's storyline.

2.2 - The Circle

Plot: The circle is trying to overthrow the Bajorian government.

Sisko doesn't like it when people mess with his people.

Bajoran politicians are also very good at CYA.

After Kira is "reassigned" Odo's even more pissed than Sisko is. Dax returns skin lotion. Bashir wants to wish her well. O'Brien wants to pay his respects. Quark's hoping to get some. Barial wants to invite her to spend her vacation with him. I'd completely forgotten that scene, but I found it quite funny.

Both Cardassian and Bajorian architecture has a lot of curves. Jaro mentions that the Bajorians brought art and architecture to planets. I wonder if one of them was Cardassia.

I love how despite the fact that Quark is planning on leaving he still takes the time to go to Odo to warn him and tell him what he knows. I love these little character notes.

Apparently O'Brien upgraded the transporters in the runabout. They could only beam two at a time last episode and now they can beam five?

2.3 - the Siege

Plot: The circle starts their coup and the non-Bajorians are given seven hours to evacuate.

RECAP!!!! Long recap to end all recaps.

So I wonder what would have happened what if the Circle really had killed Sisko with the whole "hey, he's the Emissary" thing.

You know, I really don't think that Quark would really sell out Rom, even for the "deal of the lifetime".

Ooh, O'Brien called them Cardies.

Morn sighting. He was waiting to get on a ship.

And then Rom does sell Quark's seat.

OMG I forgot about the spider the size of a dog.

Apparently, O'Brien loves combat rations. Isn't he the one who wanted a sandwich when then stole the Gem'hadar ship?

I love how uptight Dax is while she and Kira are getting the ship.
"The targeting scanners are gone."
"I know, I know. Seat of the pants."
"No, use your eyes."

Odo the trip wire is just awesome.

Apparently Ferengi wouldn't like 'your mom' jokes. Quark is quite vehement when he quotes "Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother."

I love Bashier's bravado. "We'll make them think there are 200 of us, Sir, instead of 2."

Lee Nalis is dead. I'm shocked. Are you shocked? I'm shocked.

Having watched about half of season two now I find it interesting how these three episode still feel very strongly like season one. It makes sense, but I'm glad I'm now past it even if these recaps aren't quite there yet.

ds9 rewatch, star trek, ds9, tv

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