Good times.

Apr 14, 2009 07:32

I was told that no matter what I said I was going to sound dodgy, so I'd like you to imagine I have written this entry in the "I have come to clean ze pool" type of voice.

Yesterday, about an hour after I wanted to set off our third party member for the day arrived. He had a good excuse though "I'm slack."
However, it worked out well. I was sorely tempted to leave Tatsu asleep until just2draw  got here as he'd promised me he would jump on the boy to wake him up. (I don't know I just found the idea of watching a 6'3" man jumping on a sleeping Japanese guy amusing.) I used to do it years ago. I'd either bounce up and down on the bed or pull the covers off. Either way that usually worked XD.

Anyway, Pete arrived (camera in tow which I was incredibly grateful for as mine is... sigh. Not well.) We set off to the Gorge wildlife park. As we got there at around 12... the 11.30 koala holding session was still going. It was so sad that Tatsu only got to hold it for about 15 seconds, but there was a photo. Which you know I'd link to but someone left their camera behind here :(

We got to the Gorge and my eyes just about bugged out of my head I have *never* seen the place that busy and popular. I was going to have to parallel park - it is something I've done about twice in my life and for some reason I just cannot get my head around the concept. Which annoys the hell out of me because it's a useful skill to have. Pete recognised my distress I think, and offered to do it for me. I immediately said YES! Jumped out of the car and turned to watch the really tall man get into drive my hatchback. What amused me no end was he looked far more at home in the drivers seat than squashed into the back seat. I had laughed quietly to myself earlier watching him unwrap his legs from around his ears as he got out at the petrol station. I don't think I was as subtle as I wanted to be... The poor thing. I did point it out to Tatsu who went "Oh!" And pushed the seat forward so he did have a little more leg room.

He did it within 3 seconds, like an expert (but what else do you expect from someone who has just about every license under the sun and drives for a living.) We then wandered down into the park, got the koala holding out of the way and I got very very sad as the Otters were sleeping. One popped his head out of the house to say "Hello!" as we walked past but it wasn't the same as seeing them play chasey (tag) and doing their barrell rolls. I told the boys the story of how I'd nearly been brained by a brance falling and hitting me on the head right in that spot. If it hadn't been for my friend getting completely freaked out at this creepy creaky moany sound, and grabbing me my the arm and digging her fingernails in... I would have ended up with a concussion at the very least. It was a pretty heavy branch, I think it would have been more than a concussion. But, someone was looking after me that day.

We saw some goats, I got bitten by the escaping Cocky. I love that Cocky he is an equal first with Eric down at the minature village. Hmm, Victor might be a good Sunday drive actually. Or last day. But, I'm not thinking about that yet. I love the cocky making his great escape. He makes these great siren noises. I always encourage him. It's like he was in a jail while someone was making an escape and learnt to copy the sirens. I think I should start calling him Hogan as he is always digging little escape routes under the cage. Then we saw some monkeys, and birds. I think the kids were upset because they refused food from them and then I came along and offered the monkey a couple of peanuts which he took. The kid returned and the monkey refused his peanut. I told the boys the story of Macchan offending the monkey by refusing to give it more than about 9 peanuts at one time. He reached out and yanked on her fringe it was the funniest thing.

Then we went and checked out and fed the fruit bats who had a bit of a screeching session. Tatsu acted like a real little brother and wiped some weird substance from the bat on me, so I returned the favour... and then later he touched something weird on a tree and also wiped that off on me. Pete walked up as I was berating him, and looked quietly pleased to see someone else was picking on me in such an immature way because he'd never bring himself to act so immaturely. *pauses to quietly choke for a moment.* My reply to him had him looking every which way but at me until he said "That can go nowhere good." I was well pleased.

Then we fed some wallabies and roos, some emus.. We won't go into what happened with the ostrichs (because I'm not going to go on about what happened when we turned left instead of right. I think that's a fair exchange.) and then we were ready to move on to Harndorf. I looked at the car and wondered how I was going to go doing the hill start and getting it out... when Pete said "Do you want me to drive?" So... I handed him the keys. "Oh, you were serious." "Well, you offered." I was a little sad though because he kinda fit in the drivers seat a lot better so I didn't get to watch the contortionist act again.

We then went for a scenic drive to Harndorf where we proceeded to not be able to find anywhere to have lunch. It was packed out. I don't know who people thought they were being out on an Easter Monday. But, we eventually did find somewhere that was still doing food, and had a lovely lunch. Then, we got to my favourite winery where I was even more impressed with the customer service as the guy who had spent a good 45 mins chatting to us remembered us, and that was from before I even started at AGL. It would have been September actually. So we finally got the bottle of wine I'd never picked up. (I don't drink wine, and I wanted to get it and give it to someone who would actually drink it.) So... we picked up a nice bottle of "Two in the bush" Shiraz  which they had with the roast lamb. Which I cooked sort of by proxy. By the time we would have gotten home it would have been about 11 by the time we ate. So when I rang to see if we did actually even *have* wine glasses (they told me yes.. the answer was really no. But, my toasting set someone gave me years ago when I got engaged actually got used which amused me no end. About the only good thing besides the cat to come out of that relationship.) and told asked Mum to do a couple of things.. and thus I was cooking by proxy.

We squirrelled around for a little bit, got things together and sat down to have a scrumptious roast. Then we all sat down and just chatted for a while longer... before Pete left and Tatsu decided we were watching Wolf Creek. About 45 mins in I decided I wasn't watching Wolf Creek and headed to bed. This morning I got up and had to head out to sort some stuff out. Came home... Tatsu was still asleep. I woke him up about 10.30 and said bugger it we're driving down to Glenelg so you can sleep for another 30 or 45 minutes... and was about 10 mins from getting up to get him again when he actually got up and said "I'm gonna go have a shower."

Another friend of mine logged on as I was about to head off so I invited him along to lunch as well. It was quite a nice day, but the best part was when we sat on the steps at the beach where the tide was up to the rocks and there was nowhere to sit but the rocks and we just talked and talked and talked. I love that boy so much. He knows how to listen, and he knows how to make me listen to him. He doesn't judge, he just listens. This is what I have missed the most about him. Just being able to sit back, and talk. I said to him as we were driving home I can tell you anything.. and he said "Yeah, you can.  Just don't swear. You can tell me anything but please don't swear." I've noticed how much of a potty mouth I have lately and he's always been good at reining me in and making me stop that. I've noticed I've been a bad influence on others so I need to be good.

I feel... sated? I guess is the word. There is something about sitting down watching the ocean roll in and out that is just soothing. Especially sitting there with your best friend and just talking about things that have happened. I'm not who I was when he met me. He was my angel back then. I thought I was strong back then but my god I was such a lost little girl. Now, I feel so much stronger and I am almost happy.

But, here is people so much away.

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