Get a signed copy of The Marketplace & other news

Aug 16, 2010 17:21

Some news and notes for today:

THE MARKETPLACE by Laura Antoniou is now available as both a paperback and as an ebook! This means you can walk into your favorite bookstore and order a printed copy, or get it from places like Barnes & and Amazon

Laura will be signing and we will be selling copies at Floating World in Edison, NJ this coming weekend. If you would like to ORDER A SIGNED COPY they are $25 postage prepaid for US/Canada customers, and your order must be received by Friday August 20th as we will have limited supply of the autographed ones. See the “Add to cart” box below the cut if you are interested.

In other news:

Like A God’s Kiss received 4.5 “divas” from Dark Divas Reviews! The reviewer praises the stories individually, and it can be read in its entirety: here. Download link below the cut if you must have it!

The Collective Review today features an interview about Circlet Press with editorial director Cecilia Tan. Penelope Friday asks about what not to do in a sex scene and other burning questions: here.

Coming soon, we will begin a new serial on to add to your reading pleasure! “Chocolatiers on the High Winds” by H. B. Kurtzwilde will bring you the tale of young Mayport Titus, heir to the Titus Chocolate fortune, or what’s left of it since his parents’ disappearance on a transoceanic airship voyage years ago while young Mayport was at boarding school. Now having escaped the shackles of school, and perhaps propriety, our Hero sets out to rebuild his father’s ship, the Dutch Process, and seek out his own fortune, love, and adventure, no matter how bittersweet. (Sorry about the pun, steampunk just brings it out in me.)

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Mirrored from Circlet Press: Welcome to Circlet 2.0.

book reviews, like a god's kiss, the marketplace

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