Nov 17, 2017 13:53
Call for Submissions: Dressed in Black: Erotic Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Deadline: February 15th, 2018
Details: Murder. Revenge. Madness. These are the hallmarks of Edgar Allan Poe’s fiction. But so are love, longing, and loss. It may seem strange, at first blush, to compile a collection of erotica inspired by Poe’s work. Much of his writing explores themes of death and isolation. But gothic fiction has long been ripe ground for examining human sexuality and Poe’s work in particular is overdue for just such an agitation.
Send me stories that flip the narrative. Give the outsiders a voice. Think outside the box. I don’t want simple rewrites of his work with sex thrown in. Make it crucial to the tale.
While best known for his horror fiction, Poe was also a pioneer in the science fiction and detective fiction genres. I am looking for stories in any genre so long as the influence is Poe’s work. They do not need to be set during the time period he was alive in. Send me futuristic Poe stories. Send me Poe stories that are inclusive and exist outside of the standard narratives. And of course, send me stories that are hot and exciting too.
All gender pairings are welcome so long as the sex is between consenting adults. And to be absolutely clear, the consent must take place BEFORE the sexual act.
Length: Our preferred length is approximately 3,000 to 7,000 words, but we will consider the range from 2,000 to 8,000 words.
How to submit: All submissions must be made via email to
Please include a short bio with your submission.
Standard manuscript formatting rules apply. Send manuscript as an attachment (MS Word .doc or .rtf preferred).
No simultaneous submissions and no multiple submissions to the same book.
All stories must include explicit sexuality and erotic focus. Try to avoid cliches. Fresh and direct language is preferred to overly euphemistic. Sex-positive, please. No rape/nonconsensuality/necrophilia.
Originals only, no reprints. We purchase first rights for inclusion in the ebook anthology for $25, with the additional rights to a print edition later which would also be paid $25 if a print edition happens.
call for submissions