I interviewed Audra North, an erotic romance writer whose latest work is a scorching hot science fiction novella, Out of the Box, an ebook I thought Circlet readers would definitely enjoy!
Cecilia Tan: How did you get the idea for Out of the Box?
Audra North: I was sitting in a bar with two friends-I think this might be how all ideas start, for better or worse-and one of them mentioned that he wished there was more cyberpunk erotica. Later in the evening, we had somehow meandered on to the topic of how difficult it was to find a pair of gloves that fit well because of the wildly varying length of people’s fingers, and somehow those two things meshed together in my mind when I woke up the next morning. I knew almost immediately that I wanted to write a cyberpunk erotica about a future in which everyone is standardized and humans are regulated to feel nothing, to want nothing-in essence, to be nothing. I drew on inspiration from my father’s stories of living through the early days of Communist rule in China, and how mentally terrifying it was to watch as people were “standardized” through the removal of outliers. Whether that removal was temporary-to the labor camps-or horrifically permanent, the standardization in Out of the Box is inspired, to a not-unsignificant degree, by some of my father’s stories of that time in history.
Cecilia Tan: Were you influenced by other science fiction?
Audra North: Yes! In fact, one of the first science fiction books I read twenty years ago, A Canticle for Leibowitz, is one that epitomizes how I feel science fiction should be.
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