Oh, ho ho! Two posts in a day! Isn't the general public that I call my friends list lucky?
Well, you would be if I had anything interesting to say, but instead, I'm here to complain. Livejournal has been quite the hairy butthole tonight, you know? I'm very angry with it. I might even divorce it. Presently, it looks like Generator has gotten drunk and thrown up all over every journal on the server.
upton sinclair is lovebrought to you by the
isLove Generator This, my friends, scares me. I refreshed that page at least twenty times, and every single time, it was something I loved. It frightens me how predictable everyone - even myself, is, based on even a few questions.
That's all I have to say. It's annoying me so much that I'm quitting all that I was trying to accomplish this evening.
Now, I'm off to battle evil in a complex and historical battle called Slime Volleyball.