Nov 14, 2009 19:28
Holy crap, middle'a Novemba an it's STILL hot as hell out the'ah. I'm surprised I ain't gotten sick from tha climate change between home'n hea'. (Yea, way to jinx yaself chucklehead.)
Think I'm finally gettin myself back inta some kinda order round he'ah. Went out and got reacquainted wit my birds - Engie, thanks so much fa takin' care'a em while I was gone; they all look real healthy an happy. An a'course Henri was happy ta get back ta runnin around with her lil birdy bunch... crazyass chicken. Feathas are REAL dark now, pretty sure she's gonna end up bein a black hen in another few months... heh, stealth chicken. My bird's a spy!
An tha lil pumpkin patch I started in tha garden back in May is ready for picking; shoulda done it two weeks ago but I wasn't around an all. Ya's can help yaselves ta any of em ya might want; I already took tha ones I wanted ta cook wit. (You too BLU - more'n enough ta go around.) Yeaaa pumpkin soup fa' everyone!
Think I need'ta get a new bat soon; my metal one's banged ta all hell an back again... whoever does tha next supply req, lemme kno so I can put that in.
OH an Engie - if ya still want whiskey, lemme know. I got more'n I know what ta do wit.