I cracked the case, I knew Matt was behind it all, WHY IS HE STALKING ME, JESUS H CHRIST!!! (Forgive me Lord I forgot I was saved for a minute.)
RootBoundApollo7: oh him!!!!
RootBoundApollo7: wait
MaKenZy123hore: and i thought you were him,
MaKenZy123hore: but you arent, but i am still not talking to him anymore, so thnx
RootBoundApollo7: which one of my connections is your friend?
MaKenZy123hore: theshape10, and scarymovie702
RootBoundApollo7: ah
RootBoundApollo7: well, tell scarymovie that he can suck the fattest part of my funbridge
MaKenZy123hore: funbridge?
RootBoundApollo7: yeah, it's the gooch
MaKenZy123hore: aww, hes a nice guy, youre mean
RootBoundApollo7: yeah, but he insulted my mother lol
MaKenZy123hore: lol
MaKenZy123hore: that doesnt sound like him
RootBoundApollo7: well, i did say i was gonna shove my cock down comet's throat.....
MaKenZy123hore: who is comet?
RootBoundApollo7: his dog
MaKenZy123hore: he has a dog?
RootBoundApollo7: yep
MaKenZy123hore: how did you find that out?
RootBoundApollo7: i have my ways
MaKenZy123hore: supensful!!!
RootBoundApollo7: i also know he's an african american
RootBoundApollo7: he gos to penn state
MaKenZy123hore: colored guy?
MaKenZy123hore: how do you know all this
RootBoundApollo7: because i am lucifer
RootBoundApollo7: lol
MaKenZy123hore: as in the devil?
RootBoundApollo7: actually, i am a fuck-with-people-you-know guy for hire
MaKenZy123hore: who hired you?
RootBoundApollo7: i can't disclose that information, that is between me and my cliet who is paying generously
MaKenZy123hore: someone actually paid you to fuck him scary movie?
MaKenZy123hore: was it a male or female?
RootBoundApollo7: sorry, confidential
MaKenZy123hore: ok
MaKenZy123hore: i understand
RootBoundApollo7: i really can't tell, otherwise i would
MaKenZy123hore: have to kill me?
RootBoundApollo7: but i might recieve no compensation
RootBoundApollo7: jno lol
MaKenZy123hore: im not gonna tell anymore
MaKenZy123hore: i dont gossip, but i am nosy
RootBoundApollo7: lol k
MaKenZy123hore: do you know the link to his journal?
MaKenZy123hore: i lost it
RootBoundApollo7: no, i do not
RootBoundApollo7: sorry
MaKenZy123hore: im too scared to as him
MaKenZy123hore: hes evil and mean today
RootBoundApollo7: lol
MaKenZy123hore: so please tell me, who hired you, was it someone on AOL
MaKenZy123hore: and how much do you charge cause i got people i hate too
RootBoundApollo7: i really can't tell, no matter how much you say i can trust you
RootBoundApollo7: and they didnt actually pay me
RootBoundApollo7: they just did a favor for me
MaKenZy123hore: so if i guess will you tell me?
RootBoundApollo7: no, sorry
MaKenZy123hore: i have a password to his screen name and i can get the people on his BL
RootBoundApollo7: who is that?
MaKenZy123hore: who is what?
RootBoundApollo7: what person is it?
MaKenZy123hore: platinumpolo, jonnycash, theshape10, toocoolforyou, stunnagirl, skittes394,jessifire39,
MaKenZy123hore: those are all he has
MaKenZy123hore: so like, what exactly do you look for when you fuck with people
RootBoundApollo7: alright, it was platinumpolo215
RootBoundApollo7: know i want compensation
MaKenZy123hore: who the hell is that?
RootBoundApollo7: Matt
MaKenZy123hore: thats that gay dude
MaKenZy123hore: he might try to fuck you dude becareful
MaKenZy123hore: scarymovie told me he tried to suck his dick