Dec 16, 2003 22:58
I am done with my finals, they weren’t as bad as I expected. Thursday I have to give a presentation in my group in my negotiations class, and then I will be totally done. So far, I got an A in math. I took the final for bio this morning. That was the class where I said I would have to sleep with the teacher to pass because she said that I would have to get a 98% in order to get a C. well, I musta done some type of mental vaginal penetration because I check my grades and I got a C in the class. I was so happy I did a back flip and messed my neck up. I’m watching Rich Girls now. They are on some rich bitch retreat to London. If I get an A in my history class (wont happen) and an A in my negotiation class (might happen) I will be on the Dean’s list. That’s a hit list I actually wouldn’t mind being on.
Yesterday I went to the movies and saw “Something’s got to Give”. It started out really funny, then became a chick flick and was too long. I was the youngest person in the audience, the next youngest were a couple who sat behind me who were definitely in their 30’s. Before the movie started, they were playing all types of Christmas music. They started playing Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas is you”, and I and the 30 year olds were jamming in our own right. Some mean old bitch walked in and said to some other old woman “this is some Christmas music they are playing. Noise” I almost threw my Tim at the bitch. Then she and some woman talked through out the whole movie, and commented on every damn trailer. The 30 year old in the back made the hush sound, and it shut her, the fuck up. My pc is so slow it is getting on my last nerve. Roberta is gone. She will be back in January. Like a TV show, I have to wait a month to get another hilarious episode of the shitcom (not sitcom) that is Roberta.
I guess it’s shout out time. To Caryn, Good luck this week dear. Happy birthday to jwljn, now hat you’re legal, we should meet up and go drinking, but I heard I was a mean and evil drunk, so be warned. To Eric, thanks for the support and good thoughts you sent me this week, its paid off, but I didn’t get all my grades yet so lets not jinx me just yet. And finally, to my favorite little girl in the whole wide world, Jessica, dear, cut me off in the parking lot again, and all hell is gonna break lose. Love ya though!
Must go make a power point on this damn negotiation report the group sent me. See ya!