maybe I should go to hell but I am doing well l for idontmenstruate

May 25, 2010 12:33

Finn avoids Will’s eyes, and bites his lip. Then he gazes at Will, looking vulnerable, which makes Will remember he has to pull back. But before he can, Finn lifts his head, and presses his lips to Will’s.

It’s a test, like dipping his foot in the water, to check the temperature. It’s chaste, and sweet, but that doesn’t stop the blood from rushing south.

And, well, Will can’t help himself, he wants more. He wraps an arm around the back of Finn’s neck to pull them closer.

Finn grinds their bodies together, Will gasps, and Finn take the opportunity and rolls them over, so Finn is on top of Will. Finn smiles and Will can feel it in the kiss. Finn’s tongue searches his mouth, mapping out his mouth. Will arms pull Finn’s naked chest closer.

Finn pulls back and Will’s heart starts to race. Did Will do something wrong? But Will knows that answer, of course it’s depraved, wrong, unethical, and perverted.

But Finn just pulls the hem of his shirt up, Will lifts his arms, to assist him. Finn tugs it off and throws it over his shoulder. Finn kisses him again, with more vigor and passion.

It bothered him all day. Maybe it wasn't that it was with Mr. Schue because he knew or was told that dreams weren't supposed to be taken so literally but he was the one initiating the thing. He kissed first and then he got ontop and then he enjoyed it. He did. Rachel had assured him dreams had always meant more than meets the eye - or, the brain, or -- down lower as Finn had experienced.

Not that he had told Rachel what his dream had been about.

He had even gone for a run before school after taking a cold shower. Because, he wasn't gay and he shouldn't have been having these dreams. Sure, one about Quinn or Rachel he expected. They were nightly guests in his dreams but Mr. Schuester was supposed to be the guest star in the penguin costume like a few night ago.

That morning at school, Mr. Schuester waved to him but he walked right on by. He kept quiet even through lunch, allowing Rachel and Jesse to monopolize the conversation. Even through Glee club he stayed quiet save for his song choice.

Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble went down smoothly, like a good can of Coke and as much as he tried to sing in the direction of Rachel, Mr. Schuester taking a seat in the audience did not help. Not keeping eye contact was difficult. The band behind him helped and as the song ended, he let out a sigh of relief.

[Finn's dream taken as an excerpt from a fanfiction not written by me located here.]

who: mr. schuester l idontmenstruate, verse: still have to learn

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