'cause I got time while she's got freedom l for idontmenstruate

May 20, 2010 14:40

This wasn't happening. Except, it was. He just expected a free dinner and some sports conversation. He didn't hate Burt. He was okay. He made his mom happy. But, this wasn't how this was supposed to go down. It was too soon. He was happy without a step-brother to live with. He didn't need this.

Finn wasn't one to storm out. But, that was what he did. He took his car keys and grabbed his Letterman jacket and left the house. Normally, he'd go to Puck's. Or, even Rachel's. Or, he'd drive there and sit outside doing nothing. It wasn't creepy. It was just what he did when he got frustrated and he didn't want to be in the house because his mom never bought him a system for the car. He would tear up Oblivion, if he could but that required him to be in the house.

And it wasn't like this was the only bad thing. Rachel had Jesse. He had made one bad call and while he was seeing that she moved on. Quickly. And Jesse was using her. It was so obvious.

Stopping at the traffic light, he remembered something he had had in his wallet. A gift from Puck on his last birthday, another way to tap all the ladies. Buying alcohol. He had his ID. And he wanted to drink. He never drank and right now, now he wanted to drink.

The bowling alley wasn't far from home so he could trust himself to drive back. Pulling into the parking lot, he checked the rearview before slipping off his jacket and getting out of the car. He was carded at the bar. He had expected it.

For tonight, he was Louis Martinez. And he had beer.

who: mr. schuester l idontmenstruate, verse: still have to learn

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