The last 24 hours in a nutshell, according to my Twitter.
- 20:17 I don't mean to sound "braggy" but my pot roast came out delicious! I'm so proud of myself :) #
- 08:26 Cold and hungry and tired. Maybe a little ill. #
- 10:36 Dengit. Now @yoshi has me wanting to make a web comic on my dying domain. Clearly he's never seen my "drawing" ability (or lack thereof). #
- 10:49 Ooh. The new floor in the bathroom looks great. I'd like them to redo my kitchen now, please. #
- 11:04 @ kevinrggl thanks, but the site doesn't need a host; I already have a great one. It needs content. #
- 11:24 Must not forget to go to UPS today. Meant to mail my mom this phone over a week ago.. oops! Also, have to send my baby brother's b-day gift. #
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