The last 24 hours in a nutshell, according to my Twitter.
- 22:05 played World of Warcraft (PC), The Sims 3 (PC), and Restaurant City (Flash) in the last 24 hours. #
- 22:15 I unlocked 2 World of Warcraft achievements on World of Warcraft! #
- 08:16 Hello Monday, how nice of you to start my week by drowning me in support tickets :) *makes more coffee* #
- 08:27 One day, I will totally convince @hisonia to move to Portland :) #
- 12:49 You know what'd embarrassing? Getting to the part when you pay for your new vacuum and realizing your wallet is at home instead of with you. #
- 13:33 Still hate Verizon. Worst customer service ever! #
- 14:04 RIM is discontinuing the Blackberry Pearl. WHY?! It's the only one I really like :( #
- 19:32 Ordered a Blackberry online. I wants it now, plz! #
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