Fanfic: Vigilance

Oct 09, 2010 17:34

Summary: The struggles of the Orlesian Wardens, starting before the Blight and continuing through the events of Awakenings. A series of vignettes told out of chronological order. In this epic installment, we explore one of the things Duncan did a couple of years after the events of The Calling.
Rating: T 
Characters: Sidona Andras, Duncan
Wordcount: 263

She sat at the edge of the circle of firelight, holding her knees tight to her bleating heart. Duncan tossed another log on the fire; sparks were thrown up to the sky, orange against white stars. It made the forest near Lake Celestine seem kinder, just as she thought it would, much better than the farmhold they’d left behind.


She glanced at him through her white lashes. He was one of the younger Wardens, a friend of that Fereldan who had forced her to drink the cup. When she had refused to give her name, they called her a witch to tease her, but this Duncan had called her nothing.

“You didn’t need to come,” she said, chin on her knees. “I could have handled them myself.”

“I know.” He circled the flames and came to sit near her. She stiffened. He looked at the forest’s shadows. “I thought it might be nice that, the first time you killed an innocent, you weren’t so alone.”

“You didn’t need to do that.” She watched the fire, watched a glowing line of heat trace along a crack in the bark. “The other Wardens call me a witch and yet you think that I am so innocent myself?”

“You are still innocent. Killing the tainted is like a mercy. Which means that you are merciful.”

The glowing line finally snapped into flame the moment when Duncan moved her white hair and kissed the back of her bent neck. She shivered from the heat, then turned to meet his mouth, to draw him closer beside her.

More found at: (it's not letting me make a link today for some reason but it IS letting me make loads of swear words).

duncan, andras/caron, mage, fanfiction

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