circle_tower, I must know!

Apr 22, 2010 22:02

Poll Shipping!

See, I've long since considered myself an Amell/Cullen shipper. I like the forbidden aspect of the pair, love the adorable guy broken by his love for a girl, enjoy the angst and sin and steamy bits.

But damn if I don't ship Anders/Amell now.

Part of it is the fact that Anders and Cullen both have the same freaking sexy voice actor. But it's also Anders character that attracts me. He's funny, sarcastic, thinks your character is pretty, AND HE HAS A CAT. A CAT. I CANNOT RESIST.

Problem is, I've started writing a Amell/Cullen trilogy that I'm 2/3 (or 2/4 idk) done with, and I wanted to include Awakenings in it, and I'll be damned if I don't simply want Amell and Anders to live Happily Ever After. :'C

tl;dr: Will I be kicked out of fangirlism forever if I decide I like Anders/Amell more than Cullen/Amell?

Also, I want to know what the rest of you think! Is your need for Cullen/Amell (or Surana idk) gone down since the arrival of Anders, or do you still want to romance the shy Templar?


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