The end analysis? I am, like other humans, much better at getting myself into pickles than getting myself out of them.
This does not apply to opening real time/space pickle jars, which I often can't do. This is the reason I need friendly neighbors and/or room mates. Not being able to open a jar of pickles is possibly the most frustrating thing which happens to me when I want a crunchy, salty, delicious snack. Dill pickles, of course. Preferably imported from an Eastern European country.
Wow. Now I need to go to Schnucks and get a jar of fresh pickles. I bartered pickles for a flashlight at Pennsic to get across a gulch once. Without light it would have been a hell of an adventure. I probably would have fallen into the stream/cavern. The drunken folk who proffered the flashlight were more than willing to let it go for a song, but were happy to keep the pickles. They also fed me some pseudo-Cheetos. Oh, Cheetos-that-go-crunch, as my dad calls them, how delicious you are.
akra_brigid last fed me Cheetos at Fort Wuftybutt. They were just as crunchy and salty and wonderful as I remembered.