Cross country bonanza

May 30, 2009 18:39

Well, where do I start. Its been quite a long time since I have been on this site, but I realized just how much I miss staying in contact with everyone (FA just doesnt cut it sometimes). I moved out to Seattle, WA now and I haven't looked back yet ^^. Its quite beautiful out here and its definently a big change of scenary then the Chicagoland area. Its weird to see mountains all around. So far I got a job working for Kohl's, OH BOY (ultimate sarcasm), but hey, a job is a job right? I'm living in an apartment with my mate and two other furs who are good friends of ours. So far, our front door might as well be a revolving door with all the furs and fur friendly's coming and going. Its nice to meet new ppl but lately I have been feeling a little overwhelmed, and I keep feeling like I just don't fit into the group. I certain with more time things will feel more homely but for now all I can do is sigh and keep trying.

Lately I've been trying to put together a metal band, but I know how much work that can be and I am in know way trying to rush anything. Today I actually wrote most of a song that I am actually proud of :D! Once, if I do finish it, I will put up either a copy of the song or possibly put a video up on youtube (no promises).

Well, anyway, if I dont get up now there going to leave me behind and I really don't want to miss this party XD! Cha for now.
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