UFOs today, lol

Oct 14, 2008 15:37

How much shit is this so call "psychic median" Blossom Goodchild going to get from this false prediction. Today is the 14th of October, in "our" year of 2008, and of course nothing happened. For those of you who haven't heard of this growing internet phenomenon, according to this lady, beings calling themselves "The Federation of Light" are supposed to make themselves known to our race today. I for one chose to want to believe this being that I honestly have seen things in our sky that I truly believe to be other worldly. Once I figured out that this Blossom person was a median I lost most of my hope then and there. But now being the day, and nothing has happened yet, I really want to know what will become of this so called psychic. Also, soooooo many ppl who chose to bet money on this, wow, they deserve to be out that money, whether they come or not since its one thing to want to believe and another to make money off of something more times than not is a hoax. This is the link to the message spoken to her right here http://www.blossomgoodchild.com/BGthemessage.html. I would say that you should think it over and make your own decision but theres no time now for today is the day! Lol
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