Hey there! If you're here, it's because you like my fandomless BBC cop show, my not-so-obscure kids' movie, or my quite obscure 1990s surreal comic book enough to be willing to write fic about them. Awesome! This is what makes Yuletide fun. You'll have noticed that *cough* many-if-not-most of the things I'm enthusiastic enough about to write fic for are Yuletide-eligible fandoms. This is why I look forward to this time of year!
Things that make me happy in stories: adventure, coping with quandaries, women with agency, a well-developed sense of the ridiculous, diversity, characters who're doooooooomed (there, I admit it), the long dark tea-time of the soul, a certain disregard for gendered boundaries, food, historical context, love that's intense but not sentimental, explosions, politicking, subtlety.
Things I'm not particularly keen on: noncon, gratuitous gore and violence, smut that feels like it's shoehorned in (I think all three of my requested fandoms would work just fine as gen, so don't feel like you've got to tumble everyone into the sack), misogyny (e.g., if you fridge someone, I'm going to have a real hard time writing you a thankyou on Christmas morning), grammatical errors.
Please be aware that I'm planning to be out of town for the holidays this year; while I'm expecting to have connectivity, there may be technical issues, so please don't feel unloved if it takes me a while to express my appreciation for your work.
Most of all, I hope you have a good time, because that's the purpose of the exercise.
This entry was originally posted at
http://circadienne.dreamwidth.org/3605.html. Please comment there using OpenID.