Torchwood 3.13 Exit Wounds

Apr 08, 2008 11:37


This is my first post on this new journal but instead of introducing myself, I figured I'd jump right in.

I have become largely spoilerphobic for all of my shows, so I was mostly unprepared for Tosh and Owen's deaths. Owen was less of a surprise. I mean, he was dead already. I was almost happier that he went quickly rather than slowly breaking down as various small injuries piled up that couldn't ever be fixed. Tosh, however, I did not see coming. She was wonderful right up to the end. Physically, mentally and emotionally brave and yet so relatable. I was literally yelling at the screen "You can't leave them alone to their fucked up love triangle!"

Honestly, what are they going to do other than stare at each other and be awkward when they aren't fighting aliens? And if (SPOILERS FOR SEASON 3) Rumors are true and JB is also considering leaving. What the hell are Gwen and Ianto going to do? Have drunken slumber parties where Gwen pries info out of Ianto on Jack's sexual prowess? Well...actually that could be funny. But not sustain a whole show level of funny. I understand that actors leave shows, and that it is wrong to keep them chained to doing work they they aren't happy making for my own enjoyment (I swear), but it still is sad. At least I hope to see them in cool projects in the future. 


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