(no subject)

Nov 13, 2009 02:01

1. Why so many dudes, SPN? Why? I was thinking it was because so much of the plot was centered around the LARPing that most of the extras they hired were pairs of guys, but I don't think that's a good enough reason. There could have been more women dressed up as Sam and Dean! And how awesome/horrible would it have been to have them run into people dressed up like Ruby? Like Jessica or their Mom? That could have been way more awkward and interesting.

2. I know Becky came on way too strong and was definitely an over the top SamGirl, but I still liked her. I'm glad that her devotion to the books was portrayed as useful, and I think she and Chuck are really good together! I hope that they both end up joining the real hunt for Lucifer. If Becky turns her enthusiasm and energy into hunting she could be pretty badass.

3. Damian and Barnes were really cute. And the show didn't make their relationship a punchline! It was actually touching. And Dean didn't make some asinine comment about it! (This shouldn't make me as happy as it does. Low expectations of non-heterosexual relationship portrayal much?)

4. You know what would have been an even more breaking the fourth wall moment? If, when Barnes asked Dean was his real name was, he said "Jensen." I almost thought he was going to!

Overall I was pretty happy with how they portrayed fans, as people that are protective of the show even while well aware of its flaws because we see something valuable at the core of its story: Living a life that has an impact on the world alongside someone who loves you. That's something everyone wants, even if most of us would rather do it with a little less grave desecration then Sam and Dean have to deal with.


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