
Aug 18, 2012 19:46

If anyone ever needs to write French into a story but doesn't speak French, let it be known that I do. Well, not well (il y a eu neuf années que je parlais français régulièrement), but I can look at what you're trying to say and what Google Translate gave you, and I can fix it so it's idiomatic.

I can also differentiate (marginally) between Parisian French and Québecois French, if that's necessary. In that way where I woke up the other day thinking about 'crème glacée' and being confused because wait, no, that's not 'ice cream,' except it is.

(C'est vrai? Oui, c'est vrai.)

I'm sure there are hundreds of people in my extended web of Livejournal friends who speak French much better than I do, but I just wanted to put this out there.

nattering about writing

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