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Nov 27, 2010 00:02

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Name:  Kuronue
Fandom: Yuu Yuu Hakusho
History link:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_YuYu_Hakusho_characters#Kuronue

Kuronue’s history is played out in a series of flashbacks during the movie ‘The Poltergeist Report.' Everything except for his partnership with Youko and the specific events of his death is mod-approved headcanon. (I’m flexible and willing to change any part of his past if a Kurama apps in and feels differently on any point of this history.)

Kuronue was born in the dregs of the Makai (demon) world - an unexpected kit of a gypsy vagabond type. His mother was the sort of woman to pat her kids on the head and toss them out into the streets a’la Oliver Twist, “go make your own way, feed your own mouth, look good doin’ it” type. He learned from a young age to skillfully pick-pocket and charm his way out of damned near any situation, but his wasn’t necessarily a bad childhood. By human terms his childhood was a cautionary tale of What Not To Do and How Not To Raise Your Child, but Kuronue is and ever was an illegitimate little bat brat.

Demons don’t have quite the same set of scruples, morals and ethics that humans do.

Such as, demons aren’t particularly gentle with kids when those kids are caught lifting precious gems from the pocket of a demon lord. For example.

So he screwed up. Got a little clumsy, a little too cocky, and thrown into a prison for trying to heist someone too powerful. While huddled rotting away in his own whiny misery, peering suspiciously at the bones of past prisoners and working up a good worry over ‘is this the end?’ -  he was rescued, suddenly and unexpected, by Youko Kurama. The legendary bandit thief of the Makai himself, a creature of silver purity and light and a wicked sense of justice that didn’t quite align with the norm. The first lesson he ever taught the bitty-bat was how to pick the lock of a prison cell to insure that he’d never again have to waste away inside of one. “Cells are no place for a bandit worth the air he breathes. You always need a trick up your sleeve.” It was a lesson well learned, and from there on out Kuronue was taken in under his care. Youko thought he had potential, and since Youko thought it and Youko was equivalent to God in the eyes of a starving pre-teen, Kuronue believed it with every fiber of his being. He was worth something.

It wasn’t an easy apprenticeship. Youko was caring but also rough in his teaching methods. He knew Kuronue was capable of following instruction and doing anything he set his mind to, it was just a matter of psyching himself out of thinking he wasn’t strong enough, fast enough, capable enough to pull it off. Youko was also somewhat inexpert at dealing with children, and was by nature ruthless and cold, though he never turned a hand against the kit himself. Kuronue learned quickly that the kitsune expected a great deal from him, and he did his damnedest to live up to that expectation and deliver. He became, through his own determination to keep up, and Youko's teachings, the second best bandit in all the Makai.

Over the years their relationship grew and developed from less of a master-and-student kind, to a more amicable equal ground. Whether or not they were lovers is going to be up for debate with any future Kurama applicant. I like to think they were, but I'll take differing opinions into account. Kuronue and Kurama were inseparable, but with their successes came a cocky arrogance. Their heists got bigger, slowly escalating from jewel theft to museum robberies, and a rash of thievery all across the greater Makai and beyond the border. Kurama was the scheming mind who thought up grand and elaborate plans and Kuronue was the skill to back it up and watch after him when the fox got a little too in over his head. They had a few close calls but nothing to write home about. During his first ever heist, Kuronue lifted a precious garnet pendant from a hypnotist. Kurama gave it to him as a reward for his successes, and taught him how to use it to craft illusions. In the end, Kuronue valued that gem a little too much.

He got careless.

They were together for several hundred years before Kuronue got himself killed. It was supposed to be an easy lift - a golden mirror in a well-guarded palace of a demon lord. Kurama had mapped out the area, they had planned for weeks, and the lift went off without a hitch. High on their success the two ran from the guards, and would have easily escaped if Kuronue's pendant hadn't broken. The chain slipped free and he dropped it. In a panic, Kuronue turned back - the biggest mistake a bandit could ever make. Kurama tried to stop him but it was far too late. The trap sprung, and bamboo spikes shot out of nowhere too fast for the bat to dodge. He was skewered in half a dozen places, tethered, trapped. He screamed at Kurama to run and in a panic, numb with the shock and terrified, the kitsune did.

Kurone was never seen again. When Kurama slunk back to retrieve him the next day the bat was gone, along with his favored pendant. When confronted by an imposter wearing Kuronue’s face and pretending to be his long-lost partner in ‘The Poltergeist Report,’ Kurama confirms Kuronue was never seen again after that fateful day - it’s assumed he died from his wounds, or else he was finished off by their pursuers.

Age: Several hundred years old

Canon point:  Just after his death, shown in flashback sequences.

Personality: Kuronue is a gutter bat, through and through! He's not the most formal of speakers, but makes up for it with a classic laid-back charm and eloquence that comes from being raised more in the time period that he was, and his age, than any formal education or training. While his mentor did try to teach him the bare basics of reading and writing, he's still not the kind of bat who'd sprawl out in the sun with a book for a few hours. Kuronue's of the mindset that if it's something he needs to know, he'll learn it in due time, though Kurama did do his best to try and impress upon him the necessity of being literate. (He knows his ABC’s, but reading is a skill he never fully developed since books weren’t widely available to those of a lower caste system.)

He's street smart, witty and clever with words and actions, and has a skewed perception of right and wrong. He'll flirt and charm you and lift your purse all at once, and never feel remorse about any of the three. At the core he's a bandit; it's the only livelihood he knows and he's embraced it on a cellular level. He's a grifter, a thief, and he’s cunning enough and his trade’s lucrative enough that he’s never bothered considering a change.

He's very comfortable in his own skin and has no real sense of personal humility or shame, but that's not to say he's arrogant. Without Kurama around especially he tends to act a bit more uncertain, and takes fewer big risks. He's promiscuous and has few close ties to anyone or anything. He believes people, like treasure, come and go and can be swiped easily away - so cherish what you've got while you've got it. The only material item he stakes with any true value is the hypnotist pendant Kurama gave him when he was a kit, and the hat he uses to keep his hair in check.

Powers/Abilities: Kuronue has a pendant, a garnet or a ruby of some sort on the end of a length of silver chain. When he swings it to and fro like a pendulum or spins it rapidly in a circle, he can create illusions. He can also summon a thick fog which he uses to confuse his opponent, and shield which direction his attacks are coming from.

The extent of this power is unknown since Kuronue himself didn't get much canon screen-time, but an imitator was able to levitate dozens of silver sickle-blades and attack with them while keeping the victim in a mental fog, and unable to tell which direction the attack would come from. Due to how unsurprised the victim (Kurama) seemed by this attacks it's safe to assume Kuronue had that same power.

Still, he's a bandit and relies on quick thinking and crafty fingers and manipulations to get what he wants, rather than brawn. He's not overly-strong, but he's quick and expert with blades, and in a pinch he can take to the skies. As a bat demon he's able to fly and has extraordinarily advanced hearing, but luckily doesn't seem to suffer from poor eyesight like one might expect.

Types of sex I am OK with:  Any.
Kinks or practices I enjoy: ANY. Kuronue's a good one to approach for whatever strikes your fancy.
Types of sex I'm not OK with: This muse is open to whatever you want, just ask prior to anything too extreme.
Kinks or practices I don't enjoy: N/A
Willing to write rape or dubcon?: Yes
Is fade to black OK?: I'd prefer not to, but I'm flexible.

hmd, character info, dvpermissions

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