Voice - Backdated

Oct 12, 2009 08:43

... so, uh. [He sounds uncertain and wary, and his claws are clicking a rhythmic taptaptap against the binding of his magic DDD book.]

Sorry for ... forgettin' everything. And everyone. I got a lot of makin up to do, seems like. At least 'rama-ai forgave me for that little stunt with the cliff. And runnin off like I did. And everything else.

Oi, Touya, your face alright?

Eh. It's just good to be home with my mate again, 'way it should be. Speakin' of... why's everyone on this network suddenly pairin' off in some odd fashion? Everyone got married while I was away. 'least you coulda done is invite my husband 'n me to the after-party. I invited you lot to ours. Bunch of ungreatful bastards, you're lucky I like you 's much as I do.

[He laughs under his breath before cutting the feed, unaware of the unusual nature of his statement.]

some honor among thieves, end of dark rukia plot, marriage virus, normalcy wherefore art thou, so a bat and a fox walk into a bar

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