Sharing Meme - Day 06 | a quote

Sep 28, 2009 11:14

day 01 | a song
day 02 | a picture
day 03 | a book/ebook/fanfic
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | whatever tickles your fancy

Day 06 (Oops, I missed two whole days--bad me!)

"He would have liked to embroider some horrible disaster befalling the village of Wall. Indeed he got so far as to pick out some violent-coloured red and orange silks for the purpose, but in the end he was obliged to give it up, his skills in embroidery being in no way equal to the task."
(Susanna Clarke, The Duke of Wellington Misplaces His Horse - from 'The Ladies of Grace Adieu' and Other Stories)

I just love Mrs Clarke's writing. ♥

meme, quotes

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