Slaying terrists with rainbows and lollipos since 1996

Aug 24, 2008 20:27

Last weekend I went down to Tuscaloosa for a visit that turned into a spontaneous reunion of sorts. It was good to hang out with people I haven't seen in 8 years. I think the quote of the trip was, "Big poopy!"

Normally when I'm smokin my cloves people complain, but in the past two weeks I've had at least five strangers ask me to bum one cause they love the smell. It culminated in some chick stealing my pack at Speakeasy on Thursday night. I tracked her down and told her that I love cloves and asked if I could bum one off of her. She was happy to oblige.

Then Stacey Dacheaux busted up into the Speakeasy and we ended up talking for quite a while to make up for the last three years of near zero communication. Somehow I wound up in a drunken conversation of astrophysics with someone I barely know and a total stranger. It seems charge is THE SPARK!!! according to stranger guy with no formal training in science.

Saturday I headed to Southside for a TCR washed car and wound up with no carwash, but in compensation had a fun lunch sharing drinks with some lovely derby girls. Later that night I went to the Plaza and had tons of fun chatting with the usual crowd plus extras I don't much see. I got punched in the face and kneed in the balls by a humorously belligerent drunk derby girl. Its also fun sometimes to remember what people are willing to tell you in a moment of drunken fun.

Now I'm tired and sore from taking an axe to a poplar tree that splintered the top half in a storm. I sat there for 15 minutes trying to rationalize how it fell where it did without smashing our house. The only conceivable explanation involves a somersault over the adjoining tree because the adjoining tree only had branches sheered off on the side opposite of the splintered tree.. What the fuck? I finally put into action Archimedes' lever obsession and moved a 1000 pound log by myself.
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