Oct 08, 2008 00:50
i want to capture everything that i am feeling right at this moment. right now i am...
cold and hot at the same time. the window is letting in a shivery little breeze while my desk lamp is baking the hell out of me. but closing the window makes the room all stuffy, and without the desk lamp, there is no light in my life... or at least to do homework and procrastinate doing said homework by.
tired yet awake. i have just finished a day that included studying from 8-11, class from 11-2, volunteering from 2-7, debate-watching from 7-8, and studying from 8-12, with random spurts of coffee, bus-riding, and manga-reading (yes, i am still addicted :/). hence, the caffeine is keeping my exhausted eyes peeled open. on the bright side, i get to write a lovely journal entry about it.
happy and i don't know why. maybe it's because i finally finished my homework. maybe it's because i passed my pharmtech test. maybe it's because i did well at the clinic today, was able to collect my thoughts on the bus, get a free slice of pizza, and watch the debate with my roommies. maybe it's the comforting feeling of having someone there for you when you need it, no matter what. or maybe having several someones there, when you didn't even know they cared.
i'm a whole mess of things right now. most of all, i'm sleepy, so i think i'll try to make my caffeinated eyelids shut.