Time for a new journal look!!! and friends only from now on

Feb 20, 2007 21:49

I have changed my layout to a lovely Doctor Who one, made by the very talented 99-hearts.. lj hates me and won't let me put a link to her name, sorry!

Thankyou very much! this layout is beautiful, just perfect.

Now I need to go on a "perfect Doctor Who" icons hunt and remember who to credit etc.. should be fun.

I also have to announce-- as I did in my last entry, but that was a flocked one, and this will probably be my last public one-- that I want to be friends only from now on. I've just had a few problems recently and it's made me realise that well, just anyone can look at my stuff and read my private stuf! so if you read this, feel free to add me as a friend or if you do'nt have an account, get one and add me! But yeah.. friends only from now on.

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