Aug 18, 2010 23:08
Lots of things happened between last post and this one, most noticeably Amecon which quite frankly stands as the best Amecon to date and a real contender for the best Con so far. I've noticed a pattern of James, Dave and MUJS being around when Con's are awesome and hope this trend continues. Got to finally talk to some of the MUJS people I’ve know for a good two years now but never really talked to (Like Sara, Kate, Triki and Jon), Catch up with old friends like Hel & Chole and all round good times at a con. I really do feel though that as con goer this is as good as it gets and unless I start actively start helping out more at cons, they just going to descend into mediocrity no matter how good they are so I’m going to try my best to help out however I can in future.