Stoker sale

Feb 04, 2010 15:25

Most of you have probably seen the preliminary Stoker Awards ballot by now, and you may have noticed that I will be arm-wrestling myself in Long Fiction. While I try to be somewhat blase on making the preliminary ballot (which, after all, means...well, absolutely nothing), I do enjoy the image of Lady Diana Furnaval peeling back her lace cuffs to take on a spiky-haired foul-mouthed paranoid schizophrenic named Spike.

In honor of that little post-apocalyptic vixen (and with all due respect to Lady Diana, whom I really do adore), you can now snag a copy of The Lucid Dreaming at a discounted price that's even dreamier than a handful of Prolixin: Just click here and you can own a signed and limited copy (with the fabulous art of Zach McCain) for a crappy sixteen bucks (plus shipping).

While we're at it, you can grab a few other nice discounted deals at Horror Mall, too, in celebration of the prelims: Scott Edelman's The Hunger of Empty Vessels, John R. Little's The Gray Zone, Gene O'Neill's Doc Good's Travelling Show, and Steven E. Wedel's Little Graveyard on the Prairie are all excellent reads in the Long Fiction category, and of course don't get me started again on my vast affection for Michael Louis Calvillo's Novel contender As Fate Would Have It. These books are all worth slapping down some plastic for, both in terms of the writing and the design (witness the Black Quill Award nomination for As Fate Would Have It in the Cover Art and Design category).

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go break up a bitchfight. That Spike, she fights dirty.

the lucid dreaming

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