Love Dove

Oct 02, 2008 17:31

Dove chocolates (singles) have little sayings inside the wrappers. What major brand began this endeavor? Was it the Sobe can? The Snapple?

My art director pointed out that the messages in Dove wrappers are soothing because the company figured...the people eating our luscious/cheap chocolates? Yeah, those guys? THEY need comfort, like whoa.

If such are the thoughts that ruminate the Dove chocolate ad men's minds, they are accurate.

I am not immune to sugar highs and quaint, cheerleader phrases on a dog day Thursday afternoon.

My favorites, 4 out of 8 (with chocolate, I do not discriminate):

"Write a real letter, not an email."

"Smile before bed. You'll sleep better."

"Find your passion."

"Watch reruns, they replay your memories."

"There's no excuse not to dream."

ALL pertinent information. All applicable philosophies to my current state and situation, friends.

I think my job entails standing in doorways, saying witty things. I can't say I'm really good at it yet, but I'm practicing.

advice, love

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