Fake person on your list
October 27 2004, 23:07:15 UTC
This photo was put up by Sheila casualdiva as an attempt to fake a salute. She photoshopped casualdiva across the chest area...only to be proven to be a fake with the VERY admittingly photoshopped 'is a fake'.
She is such a psycho..shes hurt LJ people in their real lives.....be careful so she doesnt burn you too. I wish someone had told me.
This photo was put up by Sheila casualdiva as an attempt to fake a salute. She photoshopped casualdiva across the chest area...only to be proven to be a fake with the VERY admittingly photoshopped 'is a fake'.
She is such a psycho..shes hurt LJ people in their real lives.....be careful so she doesnt burn you too. I wish someone had told me.
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